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756 Results

Bias and Stigma in Health Care Systems

  • Diverse populations, Patients and Families

Stigma and bias toward mental illness can be major barrier to people accessing needed care. When that stigma and bias exists within the health care system, it can have an especially harmful impact. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has undertaken a multi-year effort to better understand equity and the systemic implicit bias against mental health and substance use, how it impacts health outcomes and quality of life, and what can be done to reshape and improve care for people with mental illn

New Postage Stamp: Healing PTSD

  • Patients and Families, Trauma

Today, Dec. 2, the U.S. Postal service begins selling a new stamp, the PTSD Healing stamp, that will help raise funds for people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). About 7-8% of people will have PTSD at some point in their lives, including about 10% of women and about 4% of men..

Light, Sleep and Mental Health

  • Patients and Families, Sleep Disorders

Light, both natural and artificial, can affect our health and mental health in several different ways. Depending on the time of day, light exposure can promote or disrupt sleep. A persistently disrupted sleep cycle can contribute to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, obesity and mental health disorders. Research is also beginning to clarify non-circadian effects of light – light can have a direct impact on the sleep and mood centers in the brain. 

How Do Companion Animals and Therapy Animals Support Mental Well-being?

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families, Treatment

Companion animals are increasingly being used to support mental wellbeing and to augment mental health treatment. A new book from APA Publishing, The Role of Companion Animals in the Treatment of Mental Disorders, reviews recent research and highlights the variety of ways mental health professionals are working with companion animals to support treatment and promote mental health.

Providing Veterans with Video-Enabled Tablets Leads to Improved Mental Health Care Access

A Veterans Health Administration (VHA) program that provides tablets to veterans with mental disorders leads to improved access and continuity of care. A new study published online in Psychiatric Services in Advance finds that video-enabled tablets can improve mental health care access for patients who experience barriers because of geographic, social, or health-related circumstances.

New Poll Finds the Public Perceives Psychiatry as Innovative, But Show Caution on Using New Treatments

  • Patients and Families, Public awareness, Technology, Treatment

In recent years, the field of psychiatry has seen many new developments and innovations in diagnosis and treatment, and that is reflected in public perception. The latest APA Healthy Minds Poll, a national public opinion poll, finds that almost three-fourths of Americans agree with the statement: “Psychiatry is an innovative field, and new diagnostic tools and treatments are being developed that will help people’s mental health.”

Study Finds Long-Term Mental Health Benefits of Gender-Affirming Surgery for Transgender Individuals

The American Journal of Psychiatry has published an erratum notice after conducting a statistical analysis that was prompted by letters questioning the methodology of “Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study.” The erratum explains why the study’s conclusion “that the longitudinal association between gender-affirming surgery and lower use of mental health treatment lends support to the decision to pr

American Psychiatric Association Launches New Maternal Mental Health Effort Aimed at Identifying Clinician Training Gaps

A recent study in Psychiatric Services documented that 51% of pregnant women with a major depressive episode did not receive any mental health treatment. Untreated mental illness is risky for pregnant mothers and their babies, and although the topic is generally under-researched, safe pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for pregnant women do exist. A new effort from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), led by Diana E. Clarke, Ph.D., managing director of research and senior

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