796 Results
Researchers Explore New Technologies to Help People with Autism
Researchers are exploring new ways to use technology to help children and adults with autism. For example, the University of California’s MIND Institute has a targeted program, Autism, Community and Technology, that is working to help make autism services and treatments more accessible and affordable for families in need through technology.
Only One in 10 Youths in Community Justice Systems Who Need It Are Getting Behavioral Health Treatment
Youths entering the juvenile justice system are often identified as needing help for substance use and mental health concerns, yet very few—only one in ten—receive needed behavioral health services, according to a new study in Psychiatric Services, a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.
Reconnect with Colleagues at AM22
As May 2022 approaches, the psychiatry community we are all part of will take a tentative step towards a “new normality”.
What to Expect at the 2022 Annual Meeting
As May 2022 approaches, the psychiatry community we are all part of will take a tentative step towards a “new normality”.
American Psychiatric Association Honors Sen. Chris Murphy with Jacob K. Javits Award for Public Service
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) presented Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) with the Jacob K. Javits Award for Public Service during its Federal Advocacy Conference today. Sen. Murphy is recognized for his leadership and dedication in advancing mental health policy in Congress that has led to the passing of critical bipartisan legislation to help improve the lives of millions of Americans with mental illness and substance use disorders (SUD).
New Study: Community College Students Often Face Mental Health Challenges
Community college students have higher rates of mental health problems compared to same age peers at 4-year institutions, according to a new national study. It also found that community college students from traditionally marginalized backgrounds were more likely to have mental health problems and less likely to get treatment. The study appears online this week in Psychiatric Services, a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.
The Menstrual Cycle and Mental Health
Premenstrual exacerbation (PME) of psychiatric symptoms (worsening of mental health conditions just prior to a woman’s period), is not a new term or idea. Yet PME of psychiatric symptoms such as depression, mania, and psychosis, to name a few, has been understudied compared to other illnesses related to the menstrual cycle. The work that has been done surrounding this idea has mostly asked women to report past experience of worsening psychiatric symptoms around their menstrual cycle. This is pro
APA Applauds House Passage of Funding Provisions for Mental Health Needs and Urges the Senate to Take Action
Learn more about APA Applauds House Passage of Funding Provisions for Mental Health Needs and Urges the Senate to Take Action at psychiatry.org
Explore Sessions on NIAAA Research at the 2023 APA Annual Meeting
Check out some featured sessions in the NIAAA Research track at this year's Annual Meeting.
October Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Diabetes and Depression Connection; Schizophrenia Treatment; Mental Health of Community College Students and more
The October issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. The American Journal of Psychiatry is the most widely read psychiatric journal in the world. The October issue presents findings that extend and validate salient results from previous studies relevant to clinical psychiatry. Among the research featured:
New Research Highlights Lack of Follow-up Care for Youth and Young Adults after Hospitalization or ER Visit for Mental Health
In a study of more than 100,000 emergency room visits and 95,000 mental health hospitalizations of youth and young adults with private insurance, less than half who visited the emergency room had follow-up care within 30 days and two-thirds of those hospitalized received follow-up care within that same time period.
Quitting Smoking Saves Lives, But Medications to Help Are Under Prescribed
On Nov. 17, 2022, the country will mark the Great American Smoke-Out, an event organized by the American Cancer Society to encourage people to quit smoking. Despite overall drops in tobacco usage over the past few decades, smoking still kills nearly an estimated 480,000 people a year.