999 Results
December Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Technology and Mental Health, New Approaches with Psychopharmacology, and Improving Correctional Care
The December issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online.
National 988 Crisis Line One Step in Improving Mental Health Crisis Services
The number of people experiencing mental health crises is up—drug overdoses and suicides have overtaken traffic accidents as the two leading causes of death among young Americans ages 25-44. Unfortunately, individuals in crisis often do not receive appropriate and effective response and do not get the care and help they need.
New Poll Finds the Public Perceives Psychiatry as Innovative, But Show Caution on Using New Treatments
In recent years, the field of psychiatry has seen many new developments and innovations in diagnosis and treatment, and that is reflected in public perception. The latest APA Healthy Minds Poll, a national public opinion poll, finds that almost three-fourths of Americans agree with the statement: “Psychiatry is an innovative field, and new diagnostic tools and treatments are being developed that will help people’s mental health.”
This World Mental Health Day, Think About How to Cope With Stress
Stress is ubiquitous, with a majority of people in the United States reporting moderate to severe stress. It is no surprise that managing stress is one of the six recognized pillars of lifestyle medicine.
Rumination: A Cycle of Negative Thinking
Rumination involves repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences. The repetitive, negative aspect of rumination can contribute to the development of depression or anxiety and can worsen existing conditions.
The 4th Annual APA MOORE Equity in Mental Health Initiative
On June 14, APA got an early start with the Moore Equity Initiaitve by kicking off with the first roundtable, "Combating the Nationwide LGBTQI+ Youth Mental Health Crisis."
Maintaining Mental Well-being: Exercise and Access to Outdoor Spaces
Recent research is supporting what many people reported during the stressful times of the pandemic: physical activity/exercise and access to parks and green spaces have a positive effect on mental health.
Team Sports May Help Build Resilience After Trauma
Traumatic and other negative experiences in childhood can have lasting effects, including increased chances of physical health issues and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. A new study finds that among people who had adverse childhood experiences, participation in sports during adolescence is associated with better adult mental health
APA’s Goldwater Rule Remains a Guiding Principle for Physician Members
APA released the following statement regarding The Goldwater Rule.
APA Statement on the Administration’s Decision to End the Flores Settlement Agreement
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is deeply concerned with the administration’s decision to end the Flores Settlement Agreement, and issued the following statement from APA President Bruce Schwartz, M.D.
Diversity and Health Equity Highlights at the Annual Meeting
Join us in advancing equity in mental health care and expanding our collective impact as compassionate and effective mental health professionals.
Unveiling APA’s Access Agenda
As President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the 117th Congress took office, they arrived in the midst of multiple crises impacting Americans’ mental health—the pandemic, economic crisis and systemic racism—as well as the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection. Americans are feeling more anxious and overdose deaths reached a record high last year. Federal policymakers have a fresh opportunity in the next six months to make an impact.