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432 Results

World AIDS Day

  • Depression, Patients and Families

World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, is a time to remember, to educate and to decrease stigma around HIV/AIDS. The theme of this year@s World AIDS Day is @Communities Make the Difference,@ recognizing the essential role that communities have played supporting people living with HIV and advocating for better access to prevention and treatment. For people with HIV, it’s important to take care of both physical health and mental health. People with HIV have increased risk for mental health problems.

Air Pollution and Mental Health

  • Anxiety, Depression, Older adults, Patients and Families

Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health: the link between air pollution and health conditions such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are well established. Outdoor air pollution in cities and rural areas is estimated to cause more than 4 million premature deaths a year worldwide, primarily due to heart disease, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute lower respiratory infections. Recent research is also making a connection between air pollution and mental h

Expectations, the Placebo Effect and Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth

  • Patients and Families

The phenomenon of high placebo response can be a “formidable challenge in clinical trials but a largely untapped resource in clinical practice,” authors Jeffrey R. Strawn, M.D., and colleagues write in a chapter in a new book from APA Publishing on prescribing mental health medication to youth.

Podcast: The COVID-19 Crisis and Behavioral Health

  • APA Leadership, What APA is Doing For You

The public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on virtually all facets of our daily lives, especially health care. While the ultimate effects of COVID-19 on both individuals and populations are unclear, we know we will have to navigate the impact of the pandemic on the behavioral health system. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to surge as communities continue to struggle with COVID-19 cases—along with the fear, isolation, ch

Attend Fellow Poster Sessions

Fellows will have posters presented each day of the conference from Noon to 4:00 PM CDT in Room Hall G. The program for the poster sessions will be announced two weeks before the Annual Meeting. Below is a list of posters by their primary topic:

Service Dogs Can Be Invaluable in Helping People with PTSD

  • Military and Veterans, New research, Trauma

​​​​​​​Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated one in seven adults at some time in their lives and it affects a large proportion of military members and veterans. In addition to the variety of effective treatments available, people often also use complementary interventions, such as the use of trained PTSD service dogs. These service dogs perform specific tasks that help address PTSD symptoms, such as applying pressure to alleviate anxiety and nudging to interrupt flashbacks

Justice-Involved Individuals, Mental Health, and the Revolving Door

  • Patients and Families, Serious mental illness, Treatment

On Sept. 20, 2022, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft statement recommending that U.S. adults under the age of 65 should be screened for anxiety 1. This recommendation underscores the emerging need for the inclusion of mental health screens as a part of everyday clinical practice and not simply reserved for behavioral health settings. More widespread screening will better inform treatment decisions, lead to referrals for care, and slow down, or in some cases even

Quitting Smoking Saves Lives, But Medications to Help Are Under Prescribed

  • Serious mental illness, Treatment

On Nov. 17, 2022, the country will mark the Great American Smoke-Out, an event organized by the American Cancer Society to encourage people to quit smoking. Despite overall drops in tobacco usage over the past few decades, smoking still kills nearly an estimated 480,000 people a year.  

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