999 Results
Brain Fog Tied to Long COVID, Other Conditions
"Brain fog” is not a medical term, but it may seem familiar or intuitive. It refers to what people feel in any condition that causes confusion, memory loss, difficulty finding words, and loss of focus or inability to concentrate. These problems affect their day-to-day functioning and diminish their quality of life.
Expanding Mental Health Uses for Virtual Reality
Virtual reality technology is increasingly being used to support mental health and treat a variety of mental health disorders, especially as the technology becomes more familiar and more affordable. Virtual reality (VR) offers several advantages, including convenience and the ability to adapt and individualize it. Among the conditions being effectively treated with VR are PTSD, anxiety and phobias.
Understanding Warning Signs of Mental Illness in the AAPI Community
In the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, mental illness warning signs can be difficult to identify because of stigma and lack of culturally competent care. These barriers can make it difficult for people to seek out help. AAPIs are less likely than other racial/ethnic groups to seek help for mental health conditions
Mental Health and Men of Color: Addressing Common Misconceptions
The prevailing thinking is that men simply don’t express their emotions, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The discrepancy lies in how we define the term “express” as a man may choose to navigate frustration and anger in a quieter and more reserved manner or in a more visibly angry, explicit manner. Both are valid ways of expressing emotion. All men are different and operate along a spectrum of emotional expression.
Extreme Heat Contributes to Worsening Mental Health, Especially Among Vulnerable Populations
The extreme heat that much of thethe country is experiencing has significant impacts on mental health alongside serious physical health impacts. Some groups, including people with pre-existing mental health conditions, are especially vulnerable.
Experts Offer Tips for Navigating Mental Health Apps for Youth
Mobile apps for mental health and wellness have changed the way that people—particularly youth—track and care for their mental health. With more than 10,000 mental health–related apps on the market today, d how can mental health professionals help youth navigate their options and decide what usage, if any, is appropriate?
The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) final rule aims to facilitate the efficient, secure exchange of healthcare information across the care continuum.
APA Launches LaSaludMental.org, a New Collection of Spanish-Language Mental Health Resources
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today announced the launch of LaSaludMental.org, a website dedicated to hosting Spanish-language information and resources on mental health and substance use disorders that are culturally competent and evidence-based.
Treating Sleep Problems May Help Prevent Depression
Sleep problems and depression are closely interconnected and have a bidirectional relationship. In The American Journal of Psychiatry, authors David T. Plante, M.D., Ph.D., with the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, suggests that there is important “opportunity to prevent depressive episodes using evidence-based treatments for insomnia.” Plante highlights several factors contributing to the potential for broad public health impact.
Treatments are Available for the So-called Winter Blues
As we move toward winter with shorter daylight hours and falling temperatures, many people begin to feel the cloud of seasonal depression. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs seasonally, typically in the winter months. SAD is not just the winter blues – SAD is a subtype of major depressive disorder. It can also occur during summer, but it is much less common that time of year.
APA Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution for People with Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
As the COVID-19 vaccine is being administered across the country, the American Psychiatric Association called on state public health authorities today to include people with serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorders (SUD) to the equivalent of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Phase 1-C of their prioritization schedules. The recommendation coincides with APA’s recently released guidance document, The Role of the Psychiatrist in the Equitable Distribution of the COV
Family Involvement in Treatment Can Improve Outcomes
A recent column in APA’s journal Psychiatric Services recommends that patients and caregivers be involved in the decision making regarding the patients’ care. Authors Johannes Harmann, M.D., and Stephan Heres, M.D., concluded that “caregiver involvement might improve clinical decision making and health outcomes for both patients and caregivers.