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The Theme of Annual Meeting 2025: Lifestyle for Positive Mental and Physical Health
APA President Dr. Ramaswamy Viswanathan's theme for the Annual Meeting, "Lifestyle for Positive Mental and Physical Health," highlights the critical impact of regular physical activity and stress amelioration practices in improving mental and physical health outcomes.
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Fall 2024
In this issue, we bring you a closer look at transformative efforts and inspiring voices in the field of mental health equity. From spotlights on groundbreaking initiatives to deep dives into lifestyle psychiatry, each section is designed to provide updates, insights, and actionable guidance to strengthen our shared commitment to health equity.
APA Journals Ranked Highly on Latest Scientific Literature “Impact Factor”
The American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s journals were well-represented in the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics © 2023), in which journals are assigned “Impact Factors.” Impact Factor is a bibliometric calculation that describes the level of influence a journal’s published output has on the scientific literature by measuring how many times the work it publishes is cited by others.
Translating Between the Social and Political Determinants of Health
In their 2023 APA Annual Meeting session, Eric Rafla-Yuan, M.D., Mandar Jadhav, M.D., and Devika Bhushan, M.D., shared their policy and advocacy expertise on how to make an upstream impact to address inequities in health outcomes.
Not Only Amount, But Timing of Sleep Can Be Important for Mental Health
The amount and quality of sleep we get are important to both physical and mental health. Sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances are associated with the onset and worsening of some mental health disorders – including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A new research review highlights the prevalence of these disturbances in people with mental health disorders and suggests that disturbances in sleep and internal body clocks can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues
More Americans Say Climate Change Is Having an Impact on Mental Health Now Than in 2022, APA Survey Finds
With a prediction for an above normal hurricane season this year, wildfires causing evacuations, and tornadoes and extreme storms regularly emerging, just more than half of adults (53%) are now reporting that climate change is impacting Americans’ mental health. This is up from 48% in 2022, as reported in the American Psychiatric Association’s Healthy Minds Monthly Poll.
An Upcoming Storm: The Persistent Impacts of COVID-19 on the Black Community
The post-COVID impact on health in the Black community in the United States has been severe and widespread.
New APA Poll Shows Surge in Anxiety Among Americans Top Causes Are Safety, COVID-19, Health, Gun Violence, and the Upcoming Election
According to a new public opinion poll released today by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), 62% of Americans feel more anxious than they did at this time last year. That marks a sizable increase over APA polls of the past three years, in which the number has ranged between 32% and 39%.
5 Key Things to Know About Kids and Climate Change
Many adults are anxious and concerned about the potential impacts of climate change – and many kids are too. Younger adults are more likely to be concerned that older adults, according to a recent APA poll, specifically More than half (57%) of young adults (18-34 years) feel climate change is already impacting the mental health of Americans compared to 41% of those 65 and older. Just over half (51%) of 18–34-year-olds are anxious about the impact of climate change on their own mental health comp
Half of Young Workers Report Mental Health Challenges
A new survey of young professional workers finds that just over half (51%) reported needing help for emotional or mental health problems in the past year. While many recognize employer efforts to address mental health in the workplace, the majority feel more could be done. More than a third (38%) of young professionals say their workplace negatively impacts employee mental health and wellbeing.
Make an Impact by Voting in APA Elections
One of the great things about the American Psychiatric Association is how much the organization welcomes its members getting involved. Whether it is sitting on a council or committee, advocating at the local, state and national level, or serving on the APA Assembly, there are plenty of ways for members to work to promote the interests of our patients and our profession.
Poll: American Workers are Increasingly Comfortable Talking about Mental Health in the Workplace
The COVID-19 pandemic and required isolation and economic consequences have negatively impacted the mental health of many Americans. The pandemic has also changed the way we work, with many people at home or adopting physical distancing requirements and masks. In addition, many Americans are also juggling work and helping their children who are distance learning.