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796 Results

APA Praises Passage of Emergency COVID-19 Funding; Authority to Government to Lift Restrictions on Telehealth Services

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) applauds Congress for passing an $8 billion emergency funding package to address the spread of COVID-19. Among other provisions, the bill allows for the secretary of Health and Human Services to temporarily lift restrictions on Medicare access to telehealth services, such as live videoconference consultations with doctors. This will potentially allow patients with mental health and substance use disorders who may be worried about contracting the virus t

How Nutrition Impacts Mental Health

  • Patients and Families

The relationship between nutrition and mental health is a hot topic, and it was the subject of a recent panel discussion at the APA’s online Annual Meeting in early May. A panel of experts reviewed research on the potential roles of nutrition in the causes of, recovery from and potential resilience against psychiatric illness.

Bright Light Therapy: Growing Evidence Beyond Seasonal Depression

  • Depression, Patients and Families, Treatment

Bright light therapy has long been a key treatment for seasonal depression. Now, new research adds to the evidence of its effectiveness for other types of depression. A study published in JAMA Psychiatry in late 2024, found that bright light therapy was an effective supplementary treatment for depressive disorders other than seasonal depression.

Online Support for People with Mental Health Conditions

  • Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Older adults, Patients and Families, Serious mental illness

While these unprecedented times are stressful for everyone, people with mental health conditions may face particular challenges. Many organizations offer ways to connect and find support online or by phone for general mental health and for specific conditions.

Better Together: Changing Public Health Outcomes in Virginia with the Co-Responder Model

  • Public awareness, Serious mental illness, Suicide and self-harm

The co-responder model is a recent innovation in behavioral health services that employs a mental health professional and a law enforcement official as dual first responders when an individual experiences a mental health crisis. The Marcus-David Peters Act (“Marcus Alert” or “MA”), signed into law in Virginia in late 2020, commemorates Marcus-David Peters, a young Black biology teacher in Richmond, VA, who was killed by police while undergoing a mental health crisis.

Advocacy in Action: An Update on Maternal Mental Health

  • Diversity News and Updates

As a core component of APA’s advocacy strategy, promoting federal legislation that improves health and mental health outcomes for minority and underserved populations is central to combating the current lack of equitable healthcare available to all Americans.

Let’s Talk about the Impacts of the Current Mental Health Crisis

Today, on World Mental Health Day, the American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) is launching a new monthly podcast to engage the public in conversations about the current mental health crisis. Each episode of Mentally Healthy Nation will be centered around an aspect of mental health that impacts the community, where people live, learn, work and worship.

Latino Youth: Overcoming Challenges to Mental Health and Access to Care

  • Anxiety, Depression, Diverse populations, Patients and Families, Trauma

Latino youth are more likely than their peers to have mental health issues, which often go unaddressed and untreated, according to a recent review of research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Many Latino youth face several stressors related to family life and to community/school that can impact their mental health.

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