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What Is Depression?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable.


Learn about depression, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to your questions.

279 Results

COP26: A Critical Juncture on Climate Change and Global Mental Health

All eyes are on the global leaders who are convening in Glasgow at COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference, to focus on strategies for cutting carbon emissions across the world. The risks and ongoing impacts of climate change are clear, summarized by The American Psychiatric Association’s position statement on the subject: “climate change poses a threat to public health, including mental health.”

APA Collaborates with YouTube to Develop Fact-based Mental Health Content; Receives “Accredited Health Educator” Label 

Over the better part of a decade, health-related searches on social media platforms have increased exponentially. YouTube has more than 2 billion monthly logged-in users and every day, people watch over a billion hours of video and generate billions of views. To connect Americans with evidence-based information about mental health, the American Psychiatric Association has recently ramped up its efforts on this important platform.

New Study: Expatriates Experience Anxiety, Helplessness, When Traumatic Events Occur in Their Home Country 

A new study presented today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting found that traumatic incidents in their home countries can harm the mental health of expatriates months after the traumatic incident, regardless of how long they have been away from their country, and even if they did not witness the traumatic incident firsthand. The mental health impact was larger among female and younger expatriates.

Social Determinants Sessions at the Annual Meeting

Learn how understanding the social determinants of mental health might help you re-conceptualize mental illness and rethink the best approaches to helping your patients and the disparities they face.

Quitting Smoking Saves Lives, But Medications to Help Are Under Prescribed

  • Serious mental illness, Treatment

On Nov. 17, 2022, the country will mark the Great American Smoke-Out, an event organized by the American Cancer Society to encourage people to quit smoking. Despite overall drops in tobacco usage over the past few decades, smoking still kills nearly an estimated 480,000 people a year.  

Thriving in Old Age

  • Older adults, Patients and Families

In honor of Older Americans Month in May, I wanted to break down stereotypes about older adults. In the United States, we tend to split older adults into two groups: we celebrate the few older adults who live past 100 with TV stories or newspaper articles, and then we assume most older adults have unbearable burdens and are languishing in understaffed facilities.

Schools Out! Tips For Taking Advantage of Summer Break to De-Stress from the Hustle and Bustle of the School Year

  • Children and Youth, Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families

It’s that time of year again when the days are heating up and the spirit of care-free living takes over as school starts to pause for summer break. Kids work all year with the end goal of summer always in mind. The questions often on parents’ minds are: What should I engage my kids in during the summer break? How do I make the most of the time with my kids?

Hazards of Holiday Drinking and Tips for Maintaining Sobriety for Individuals with Alcoholism

  • Addiction, Patients and Families

Holiday-related alcohol consumption is a widespread cultural phenomenon with peaks during celebratory seasons. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), there is a noticeable increase in alcohol consumption during holidays, such as Christmas and New Year's. The allure of festive drinks and social gatherings often leads to more frequent and heavier drinking.

Connecting Children with Nature to Improve Mental Well-Being

  • Children and Youth, Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families

Children and teens face a variety of stressors and concern about youth mental health has increased in recent years. These issues were highlighted in the Surgeon General’s advisories on Protecting Youth Mental Health, Social Media and Youth Mental Health and Loneliness and Isolation. One approach gaining more attention is tapping into the health benefits of spending time outdoors in nature.

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