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756 Results

Living with Autism: Journey to Adulthood

  • Anxiety, Autism, Patients and Families

A new report from Drexel University highlights some of the challenges faced by many teens and young adults with autism. The 2018 National Autism Indicators Report presents an updated look at the characteristics and experiences of teens and young adults on the autism spectrum. More than three in four teens and young adults with autism were male. The report notes that high schoolers on the autism spectrum today are growing up at a time when awareness is increasing and expectations for full inclusi

Understanding Stimming: Repetitive Behaviors with a Purpose

  • Anxiety, Autism, Patients and Families

One key symptom of autism spectrum disorders is repetitive behaviors, such as repetitive actions like self-stimulation behavior, or stimming. These behaviors can involve one part of the body, the entire body or an object. While they may seem distractive or disruptive, and while it may not be obvious to others, stimming often serves a purpose for the individual. 

American Psychiatric Association, American Telemedicine Association, ATA Action and 69 Other Groups Call on Administration to Permanently Remove Barriers to Care

Today, 72 organizations asked the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to permanently waive the requirement that patients receive an in-person evaluation prior to being prescribed controlled substances via telemedicine. The organizations, convened by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Telemedicine Association, and ATA Action submitted the letter to the DEA as it is currently developing the Special Registration process for the

Creative Arts: Enhancing Mental Health and Well-being

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families, Treatment

Creative arts are used in supporting mental health care in a variety of ways. Art therapy uses creative means to treat mental illnesses and improve mental health. It can involve various treatments, such as theater therapy, dance movement psychotherapy, music therapy, poetry, pottery drawing, painting and craft therapy. Art therapy uses integrative techniques to captivate the soul, body and mind in ways that verbal expression alone doesn't appear to (Shukla)

APA Publishing Releases Definitive Guide to Women's Reproductive Mental Health

A woman’s mental health is punctuated by specific events during her natural biological cycle, but the importance of these events is often forgotten when clinicians review her psychiatric history. A new textbook from APA Publishing is the first comprehensive text for understanding, diagnosing, and supporting the unique mental health needs of women during their entire reproductive life cycle.

The ‘Q’ in LGBTQ: Queer/Questioning

  • LGBTQ+, Patients and Families

Most people are familiar with the term LGBT—lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The acronym increasingly includes the letter Q, LGBTQ, referring to queer and/or questioning individuals. The terms queer and questioning are important because they encompass a larger number of individuals who identify as having same-sex attraction and behaviors.

Women, Disasters and Resilience

  • Depression, Trauma, Women

Do women experience disasters, including planning, preparedness, response and recovery, differently than men? That is the question examined in a new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The report looks at the long-held notion in disaster behavioral health research that "women are more vulnerable to adverse mental health consequences of disaster than are men."

The Basics of Augmented Intelligence: Some Factors Psychiatrists Need to Know Now

  • What APA is Doing For You

Following the release of GPT4 in ChatGPT, augmented intelligence (AI) has been in the news more than ever. You may have tried out ChatGPT on your own for something fun (e.g., “Write a joke from the perspective of a cat,”) or something serious (e.g., “Write a draft lesson plan for a psychiatry residency program about treatment-resistant depression in adults”). A simultaneous strength and challenge of AI is that core to the technology is “learning” and evolution, making it difficult to define a st

Recognizing Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

In 2008, Congress passed a resolution that established the month of July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This month highlights the following aims: To improve access to mental health treatment and services. To address the need for improved access to care, treatment, and services for those diagnosed with severe and persistent mental health disorders. To enhance public awareness of mental illness and mental illness among minorities.

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