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796 Results

October Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Look at Factors Influencing Depression and PTSD, Guidance on Handling Drugs Laced with Fentanyl, and More

The latest issues of three of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and The American Journal of Psychotherapy are now available online. The October issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry is focused on research devoted to understanding factors influencing depression, PTSD, and suicidal behavior.

Genetic Testing to Improve Psychiatric Medication Choice

  • Depression, Patients and Families, Serious mental illness

Genetic testing is being marketed and used for a variety of different purposes, such as confirming or ruling out a suspected genetic condition or helping determine a person’s chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. It is also being marketed to improve the selection of medication for mental illness, such as depression. However, several recent expert reviews caution that while it holds much potential, the evidence does not yet show genetic testing is effective in improving psychiatr

As Americans Emerge from Pandemic, Many Report Adopting Better Habits, While One in Five Are Smoking or Drinking More

As states lifted masking requirements and infection numbers dropped late this winter, the majority of Americans reported their mood was stable since January (64%) and that the pandemic either hadn’t changed their daily habits (49%) or had changed them for the better (26%). However, nearly three in 10 (28%) rated their mental health as merely fair or poor, and almost a fifth reported that they were smoking (17%) or drinking (18%) more.

Mental Health Equity Champion Spotlight: Dr. Michele Reid

  • Diversity News and Updates

Each quarter we highlight an individual in the field of psychiatry who is a champion for mental health equity—whether through their work in direct care, research, advocacy, or in the community. Our champions will share tangible ways to incorporate a health equity strategy into your practice and take action to increase access to quality of care.

APA Urges Additional Access to Mental Health Services Over Phone During COVID-19 Pandemic

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing numbers of Americans are accessing their care through telehealth, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has loosened requirements so that people receiving Medicaid and Medicare can use this vital link to health care. However, many of the most vulnerable patients, especially the serious mentally ill and elderly, are still facing obstacles to this care because they lack the requi

Elevating Bebe Moore Campbell's Legacy in 2023: APA's Dynamic Approach to National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

  • Diverse populations, Patients and Families, Suicide and self-harm, Teens and young adults

In July American Psychiatric Association (APA) embarked on its annual effort to honor of the late renowned author and mental health advocate, Bebe Moore Campbell. Established by Congress in 2008, Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is a call to action and reminder of the mental health inequities affecting communities, and in particular, young people of color. This month-long recognition is especially important considering the prevalent mental health inequities fac

Expectations, the Placebo Effect and Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth

  • Patients and Families

The phenomenon of high placebo response can be a “formidable challenge in clinical trials but a largely untapped resource in clinical practice,” authors Jeffrey R. Strawn, M.D., and colleagues write in a chapter in a new book from APA Publishing on prescribing mental health medication to youth.

Living with Autism: Journey to Adulthood

  • Anxiety, Autism, Patients and Families

A new report from Drexel University highlights some of the challenges faced by many teens and young adults with autism. The 2018 National Autism Indicators Report presents an updated look at the characteristics and experiences of teens and young adults on the autism spectrum. More than three in four teens and young adults with autism were male. The report notes that high schoolers on the autism spectrum today are growing up at a time when awareness is increasing and expectations for full inclusi

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