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APA Praises Inclusion of Mental Health Funding and Provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The American Psychiatric Association applauded the inclusion of several provisions important to mental health in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319), that passed the U.S. House of Representatives today. The final package, which the president is expected to sign soon, includes around $4 billion in funding for programs that support prevention of and treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.

Mental Health Education for Youth: Focus on Mental Wellness

  • Patients and Families

Despite frequent media coverage, public understanding of health and mental health issues is still lacking, according to recent study in the Journal of Mental Health. Overall, they concluded that people are “equally and relatively poorly informed” about relatively common mental and physical health conditions. A new study finds that education efforts for teens that specifically focus on mental health and well-being, rather than mental illness, can help.

Supporting Student Mental Well-Being with Mindfulness Programs

  • Children and Youth, Healthy living for mental well-being, New research, Teens and young adults

A variety of mindfulness-based programs are increasingly being used in schools to help support and improve students’ mental, emotional and behavioral health. A new study looks at the evidence about their effectiveness.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

  • Mental health disorders, Patients and Families, Treatment

Personality refers to peoples’ thoughts and views on how they relate to their world, and how they relate to others. All people have personality traits that make them unique, such as “shy” or “outgoing” or “humble” or “self-assured.” A personality disorder, however, is deeper and more severe and can cause problems in how a person thinks and feels, which can impact their perceptions and interactions with others. People with personality disorders may not realize that they are thinking or acting in

Addressing Mental Health Stigma in African American and Other Communities of Color

  • Diverse populations, Patients and Families

To maintain good mental health, many people turn to friends, family, the church and other community supports, especially when they are going through emotional difficulty. However, there may be times when these supports are not enough to maintain emotional wellness and seeing a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, is needed.

What APA is Doing for You: Diversity and Health Equity Resources

  • APA Leadership, Diverse populations, LGBTQ+, What APA is Doing For You

Diversity is one of the main pillars of APA’s mission and values, both in terms of making sure our profession is diverse and inclusive of a wide range of voices and viewpoints, and in addressing the issues that cause disparities in care for our minority and underserved patients. July is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, and with that in mind I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the ways that APA is working to ensure our members help address these care

Knowing about Mental Health Concerns of Friends and Family Members Reduces Stigma and Encourages People to Seek Help

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study highlights the value of people sharing their mental health problems and treatment with friends and family. When people know a friend or family member with a mental health illness, they are more likely to recognize and understand their own mental health issues and seek treatment, according to study from researchers from Palo Alto University in Palo Alto, California

Attend Fellow Sessions

The APA is proud to present a list of the sessions where Fellows will be presenting this year at the Annual Meeting. We hope you can support each other and learn from the amazing work and research Fellows are engaged in. There is an opportunity to hear from a fellow each day of the conference.

APA Praises House Passage of Mental Health Bills; Urges Senate to Follow Suit

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a package of mental health-related legislation brought forth by the Energy and Commerce Committee. The package of bills, previously passed by the House in the 116th Congress, would help prevent suicide, expand diagnosis and treatment for substance use disorders, increase mental health screenings in the emergency room and overall, and support patients with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. The American Psychiatric Association (APA

American Psychiatric Association Releases New Educational Resources on Maternal Mental Health

Annually, one in five childbearing persons in the United States experience a mental health or substance use disorder before, during, or after pregnancy .1-3 To ensure psychiatrists and mental health clinicians are best positioned to respond to this need, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with support of the CDC Foundation, has released a series of educational materials for addressing perinatal mental health in its Psychiatric Toolkit. The toolkit includes eight fact sheets for clinicia

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