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Caring for Pregnant Women: A Psychiatrist’s Guide

  • Depression, Patients and Families, Treatment, Women

Every psychiatrist will see a pregnant woman or other patient who is pregnant someday. When that person presents to your office, will you be ready? Many of us received little if any training on the subject, so the American Psychiatric Association’s Committee on Women’s Mental Health would like to help. Read on for five things every psychiatrist needs to know before a pregnant patient walks in your door.

Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Fall 2022

  • Diversity News and Updates

Each quarter, we will seek to highlight your expertise and professional accomplishments and welcome you to our activities and learning opportunities. We hope to strengthen communication and enhance your work in serving the needs of evolving, diverse and underserved patient populations. We look forward to continuing to develop avenues to think creatively and critically to #AchieveMentalHealthEquity.

Study Finds Sharp Increase in the Number of Adults with Autism Receiving Disability Benefits

The number of adults with autism receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits has risen steadily in recent years, according to a recent new study published in Psychiatric Services. The study found that between 2005 and 2015, the number of adults with autism receiving SSI increased by nearly three-fold, significantly greater than the increase in SSI recipients with intellectual disability and other mental disorders.

Culture Corner: Hispanic Heritage Month, Music, and Music Therapy

  • Diversity News and Updates

During Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15), we celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from the Caribbean, Spain, Mexico, and Central and South America. Music is central to culture and community and has well-documented therapeutic potential.

How You Can Help If a Family Member Who Has Serious Mental Illness Is Arrested

  • Serious mental illness

A new guide from SMI Adviser explains what to expect and what you can do if a family member who has serious mental illness (SMI) is arrested or incarcerated. Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System: A Guide for Individuals and Families, covers what happens after arrest, during incarceration, and after release from incarceration.

New APA Healthy Minds Monthly Poll Finds that Nearly 40% of Americans Face Declining Mood in Winter

With most of the country ready to “fall back” this weekend, nearly a quarter (24%) of Americans report that they generally feel depressed in the winter. Two in five (38%) say their overall mood declines in the winter. But they do look forward to certain winter traditions: 44% of Americans look forward to spending time with friends and family during the holidays and 49% say enjoying good food improves their mood.

Complicated Grief: When Time Doesn’t Ease the Pain of Loss

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Everyone will experience loss of loved ones in their lives and grief is a natural response. It is also a very individual process. Anniversaries, holidays, and other milestones are often particularly difficult. As painful as the process of grief can be, with support of family and friends, most people go through it without needing the help of a mental health professional. However, some experience severe, prolonged and disabling grief symptoms, referred to as complicated grief.

Mental Health Education for Youth: Focus on Mental Wellness

  • Patients and Families

Despite frequent media coverage, public understanding of health and mental health issues is still lacking, according to recent study in the Journal of Mental Health. Overall, they concluded that people are “equally and relatively poorly informed” about relatively common mental and physical health conditions. A new study finds that education efforts for teens that specifically focus on mental health and well-being, rather than mental illness, can help.

The Psychological Hurdle of Sports Retirement

  • Depression, Patients and Families

For that athlete who viewed the 2020 Olympics as the pinnacle of their career, or for that senior in college who was excited to share their last championship with their teammates, the pandemic has brought about an anti-climactic and disappointing end to their season and a forced break from training, and, for some, forced premature retirement. Sports retirement is often a major life transition for an athlete and can therefore be a major psychological challenge.

Simple Tips to Help You Get Moving and Boost Mental Well-Being

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Among the many consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns are limitations on physical activity. New research reinforces the mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise as pandemic restrictions continue.

5 Key Things to Know About Kids and Climate Change 

  • Anxiety

Many adults are anxious and concerned about the potential impacts of climate change – and many kids are too. Younger adults are more likely to be concerned that older adults, according to a recent APA poll, specifically More than half (57%) of young adults (18-34 years) feel climate change is already impacting the mental health of Americans compared to 41% of those 65 and older. Just over half (51%) of 18–34-year-olds are anxious about the impact of climate change on their own mental health comp

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