796 Results
New APA Healthy Minds Monthly Poll Finds that Nearly 40% of Americans Face Declining Mood in Winter
With most of the country ready to “fall back” this weekend, nearly a quarter (24%) of Americans report that they generally feel depressed in the winter. Two in five (38%) say their overall mood declines in the winter. But they do look forward to certain winter traditions: 44% of Americans look forward to spending time with friends and family during the holidays and 49% say enjoying good food improves their mood.
Structural Racism Contributes to the Racial Inequities In Social Determinants of Psychosis per Review in The American Journal of Psychiatry
The legacy of systemic racism in the U.S impacts psychosis risk at the individual and neighborhood level, according to a definitive review published online today. Researchers examined U.S. based evidence connecting social and environmental factors with outcomes relating to psychotic experiences, including schizophrenia.
Complicated Grief: When Time Doesn’t Ease the Pain of Loss
Everyone will experience loss of loved ones in their lives and grief is a natural response. It is also a very individual process. Anniversaries, holidays, and other milestones are often particularly difficult. As painful as the process of grief can be, with support of family and friends, most people go through it without needing the help of a mental health professional. However, some experience severe, prolonged and disabling grief symptoms, referred to as complicated grief.
Mental Health Education for Youth: Focus on Mental Wellness
Despite frequent media coverage, public understanding of health and mental health issues is still lacking, according to recent study in the Journal of Mental Health. Overall, they concluded that people are “equally and relatively poorly informed” about relatively common mental and physical health conditions. A new study finds that education efforts for teens that specifically focus on mental health and well-being, rather than mental illness, can help.
The Psychological Hurdle of Sports Retirement
For that athlete who viewed the 2020 Olympics as the pinnacle of their career, or for that senior in college who was excited to share their last championship with their teammates, the pandemic has brought about an anti-climactic and disappointing end to their season and a forced break from training, and, for some, forced premature retirement. Sports retirement is often a major life transition for an athlete and can therefore be a major psychological challenge.
Simple Tips to Help You Get Moving and Boost Mental Well-Being
Among the many consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns are limitations on physical activity. New research reinforces the mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise as pandemic restrictions continue.
5 Key Things to Know About Kids and Climate Change
Many adults are anxious and concerned about the potential impacts of climate change – and many kids are too. Younger adults are more likely to be concerned that older adults, according to a recent APA poll, specifically More than half (57%) of young adults (18-34 years) feel climate change is already impacting the mental health of Americans compared to 41% of those 65 and older. Just over half (51%) of 18–34-year-olds are anxious about the impact of climate change on their own mental health comp
March Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Advances in Depression Treatment, Suicide Risk Screening, and Mental Health Help Seeking Among Indigenous Populations
The March issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are now available online.
The Intersection of Mental Health, Policing and Race in a Crisis Response
In their 2023 APA Annual Meeting Session, Drs. Dionne Hart, Mathew Goldman, and Mrs. Taun Hall discussed the impact of law enforcement involvement in mental health crisis response situations.
Connecting Children with Nature to Improve Mental Well-Being
Children and teens face a variety of stressors and concern about youth mental health has increased in recent years. These issues were highlighted in the Surgeon General’s advisories on Protecting Youth Mental Health, Social Media and Youth Mental Health and Loneliness and Isolation. One approach gaining more attention is tapping into the health benefits of spending time outdoors in nature.
What to Do About Workplace Bullying
Bullying is often thought of as a kids’ problem. But it also often happens to adults in the workplace. Workplace bullying involves multiple, repeated, intentional acts of aggression, hostility, social isolation, disrespect or mistreatment of an employee by another employee(s). It can include work sabotage or behaviors perceived as threatening, intimidating, or humiliating. These acts often happen in person but also can occur through email, text messaging, and social media.
How to Recognize Depression and Anxiety in Young Athletes and How to Help
Youth sports can be an incredibly rewarding experience for kids, teaching them valuable life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and hard work. However, youth athletes also can struggle with anxiety and depression. As a parent, knowing the signs of these conditions can help you support your child's well-being. In this blog, we'll explore how to recognize depression and anxiety in young athletes and offer guidance on how to best help your child.