999 Results
Heading off to College: How to THRIVE (Not Just Survive) on College Campuses
The U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on the Youth Mental Health Crisis, released Dec. 7, 2021, shed light on the concerning trend of worsening mental health among children, adolescents, and young adults in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (1). Indeed, college and university students are experiencing greater frequency and intensity of mental health symptoms than ever before.
Recognizing Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
In 2008, Congress passed a resolution that established the month of July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This month highlights the following aims: To improve access to mental health treatment and services. To address the need for improved access to care, treatment, and services for those diagnosed with severe and persistent mental health disorders. To enhance public awareness of mental illness and mental illness among minorities.
New App Will Help People with Serious Mental Illness Develop a Crisis Plan
A new mobile app, My Mental Health Crisis Plan, allows individuals who have serious mental illness to create a plan to guide their treatment during a mental health crisis. The app was developed by SMI Adviser, an initiative administered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
To Combat the Mental Health & Substance Use Public Health Crisis Employer, Physician and Policy Groups Partner
Rates of suicide and drug-related deaths are at record levels. This crisis is being exacerbated by inadequate access to care for mental health and substance use for Americans across the country. To realign market forces to focus on a more sustainable approach and ensure affordable access to high value, effective treatment, a group of influential non-profits announced a partnership to implement The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use.
Addressing the Public Mental Health Challenge of Climate Change
For most Americans, the face of climate change is extreme weather and natural disasters. More than 40% of Americans live in a county impacted by a major natural disaster in the last year. In the last seven years, natural disasters cost the United States more than a trillion dollars in damage and more than 5,000 lives were lost.
APA Honors Latino Psychiatry Legacy and Future During Hispanic Heritage Month
Today on National Latino Physician Day, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) celebrates the contributions of its Hispanic and Latino membership, past and present, to the field of psychiatry.
Fostering Community Inclusion for Recovery for People with Serious Mental Illness
Meaningful community participation such as employment, education, recreation and leisure activities, religious and spiritual activities, and engagement in civil life is a critical part of recovering from serious mental illness (SMI). In a session at APA’s Annual Meeting in May, speakers provided an overview of how to promote community inclusion for persons with SMI from a variety of perspectives.
Advocacy in Action: An Update on Maternal Mental Health
As a core component of APA’s advocacy strategy, promoting federal legislation that improves health and mental health outcomes for minority and underserved populations is central to combating the current lack of equitable healthcare available to all Americans.
The Power of Pets for Your Well-being
Most pet owners are well aware that pets make our lives better, but they can also help improve our health. Research continues to identify many ways pets help improve our health, including helping maintain mental health and well-being. More than two-thirds of us, about 68% of U.S. households, have a pet.
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Spring 2024
In this quarterly issue of our Diversity and Health Equity Newsletter, we bring you exciting updates, and engaging story pieces about you, our members.
Recovery is a Process
National Recovery Month in September highlights the issue on the issue of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders. As an addiction psychiatrist, I hope that attention to recovery continues throughout the year. For many people receiving treatment, recovery is a continuous journey. There is no end or month of celebration; rather it is an ongoing process.
Women Psychiatrists Caucus Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Dionne Hart
In this episode, Dr. Gupta is joined by Dr. Dionne Hart. Dr. Hart is board-certified in Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine. She is an adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine and was recently elected to the APA BOT as the Area 4 Trustee.