796 Results
APA Member Survey Highlights Benefits of Telehealth Use During Pandemic
Since March, the public health crisis caused by COVID-19 has changed many things about our day-to-day lives, including the way our patients access care and the way psychiatrists practice medicine. These changes have been driven by distancing guidelines meant to curtail the spread of the coronavirus and protect doctors, patients and their families.
New Book from APA Publishing Examines a New Path Forward for Treating Mental Illness: Precision Psychiatry
Learn more about New Book from APA Publishing Examines a New Path Forward for Treating Mental Illness: Precision Psychiatry at psychiatry.org
APA Foundation Joins NIH Public-Private Partnership To Advance Early Interventions for Schizophrenia
Learn more about APA Foundation Joins NIH Public-Private Partnership To Advance Early Interventions for Schizophrenia at psychiatry.org
Putting a Care Plan in Place Before a Mental Health Crisis
A Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) can be useful tool to help people with serious mental illness plan ahead and have more control over their treatment during a time of crisis. A PAD (sometimes called a mental health advanced directive) is a legal document that includes a list of instructions and preferences that the individual wishes to be followed in case of a mental health crisis.
Explore Sessions on Diversity and Health Equity at the 2023 APA Annual Meeting
Join APA for the 2023 Annual Meeting. This year's scientific program will feature a Diversity and Health Equity track that focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion (DEIB) related topics.
News 4 Your Sunday: Effect of the George Floyd Case
News4’s Pat Lawson Muse spoke with American Psychiatric Association Deputy Medical Director Regina James, M.D., about the effect of the George Floyd murder and the trial and conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
Thousands of Mental Health Apps Available: Supporting Evidence Not So Plentiful
There are more than 10,000 mental or behavioral health apps publicly available; however, there is little available information on the quality and effectiveness of the apps, “leaving consumers with very little to go on when trying to determine which apps might be helpful and worthwhile.” Several recent studies highlight the need for better information on the effectiveness and quality of mental health apps.
APA Advocacy on Mental Health Legislation Leads to Victory in U.S. House of Representatives
Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 7666, the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act. The bill now goes to the U.S. Senate for consideration and deliberation of what measures will be included in a possible mental health legislative package.
One in Three Americans Worry About Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Nearly Half Say It Has Hurt Society at Large
Twenty-five years after the website Sixdegrees.com began a revolution in the way people used the internet, a third of Americans say social media does more harm than good to their mental health. Nearly half said that social media has hurt society at large and 42 percent said it has hurt political discourse. This is according to the results of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s February 2022 Healthy Minds Monthly* a poll conducted by Morning Consult, fielded Jan. 19-20, 2022, among a nat
American’s Top 5 Mental Health-Related New Year’s Resolutions for 2023: Can Apps Help Us Keep Them?
Some 40% of American adults are stressed about their mental health. Nearly three in 10 expect to make New Year’s resolutions related to their mental health, according to a national poll from APA conducted in early December. Half of young adults (aged 18-34) are planning to do so.
APA Condemns Fatal Police Shooting in Philadelphia; Calls for Expansion of Crisis Intervention Capability
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today issued the following statement in response to the police shooting death this week of Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old Black male who had mental illness and needed crisis intervention.
American Journal of Psychiatry Articles Honored as 2021 Leading Research Achievements in Mental Illness
Four articles published in 2021 by the The American Journal of Psychiatry have been honored by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation as 2021 Leading Research Achievements for notable contributions to research on mental illness and the biology of the brain by its grantees, prizewinners, and scientific council members.