999 Results
A Psychiatrist’s Guide to Surviving Family Gatherings
The Hallmark version of the holiday season portrays a snow-blanketed cozy, warm and loving environment in which we reconnect with friends, family and loved ones, and celebrate the people and events we are thankful for. In fact, in a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association, 47% of Americans say that’s the thing they look forward to the most this holiday season, and, no doubt, it can be joyous.
MEDIA ADVISORY: Twitter Chat to Focus on Veterans Mental Health
As we stop this week to honor the sacrifice of our nation’s more than 17 million military veterans, the American Psychiatric Association will host a Veterans Mental Health Twitter Chat where participants can learn more about the impact of numerous serious mental health issues facing this population.
Decriminalizing Mental Illness and Promoting Mental Health Equity
A poll commissioned by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) found that only 1 in 5 Americans believe that those in jails and prisons are getting the mental health care they need while 75% believe mental health support should be provided for incarcerated people.
APA President Testifies Before U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce on Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic
Learn more about APA President Testifies Before U.S. House Committee on Energy @ Commerce on Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic at psychiatry.org
Media Advisory: APA Releases New Recommendations for Reporters Covering the AAPI Community and Anti-AAPI Hate and Violence
The unprecedented rise in anti-AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) hate incidents and crimes that began during the COVID pandemic has taken a heavy mental health toll on the AAPI community — high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma-related symptoms have been reported.
National 988 Crisis Line One Step in Improving Mental Health Crisis Services
The number of people experiencing mental health crises is up—drug overdoses and suicides have overtaken traffic accidents as the two leading causes of death among young Americans ages 25-44. Unfortunately, individuals in crisis often do not receive appropriate and effective response and do not get the care and help they need.
June Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Substance Use Disorders, Opioids, Youth Self-Harm and Suicide and More
The latest issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, and Psychiatric Services are now available online.
Women Psychiatrists Caucus Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Nada Stotland
In this episode, Dr. Gupta is joined by Dr. Nada Logan Stotland. Dr. Stotland obtained her undergraduate, medical, and residency education at the University of Chicago, her psychoanalytic training at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, and her MPH at the University of Illinois.
APA Celebrates Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
July featured a flurry of activity in celebration of the work of Bebe Moore Campbell, author and advocate for the mental health needs of underserved populations.
Pets and Mental Health: 2024 Social Media Toolkit
We're back again! March is here, and so is #Paws4MentalHealth, celebrating the mental health impact of our cats, dogs and other furry (and not furry) friends. Join the movement and take a "paws" in your day to share how your pets positively influence your well-being. Let's make this a month to remember! #Paws4MentalHealth
New Report: In Construction Industry, Concern for Mental Health Is High, But Willingness to Discuss Mental Health is Low
As the pandemic continues to impact the economy and mental health of many workers, construction experiences the second highest rate of suicide among major industries. A new survey of the construction workforce from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Foundation’s Center for Workplace Mental Health, the Construction Financial Management Association, CSDZ and Holmes Murphy, calls attention to this issue and offers insights during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
Tech Trends 2024: What to Watch out for This Year in Digital and Telemental Health
For 2024, our health technology keyword is precision. We can expect to see a move toward increased precision in technology-driven treatment in two major areas: telehealth usage and augmented or artificial intelligence (AI).