999 Results
APA Releases Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)
Today, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR). The manual, which the APA has published and updated since 1952, defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnosis, treatment and research.
APA Foundation Welcomes 2023 Class of Fellows, Largest in Program History
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation today (APAF) proudly welcomed 116 future psychiatric leaders into the 2023 class of fellows, marking the largest class in program history. The APA Foundation Resident Fellowship Program complements psychiatric residency training by providing experiential learning, mentorships, and professional development opportunities.
Advocacy in Action: An Update on Maternal Mental Health
As a core component of APA’s advocacy strategy, promoting federal legislation that improves health and mental health outcomes for minority and underserved populations is central to combating the current lack of equitable healthcare available to all Americans.
Telemedicine and the Role of State Medical Boards
Telepsychiatry via interactive or synchronous video-conferencing, a form of telemedicine, is bound by a broad tapestry of laws and regulations across the United States.
Suicide Prevention: Native American Youth
American Indian/Alaska Native youth and young adults have the highest suicide rates of any racial/ethnic group in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Several recent studies have sought to identify risk factors and protective factors relating to suicide among Native American youth.
American Psychiatric Association Foundation Announces Support for Two Efforts Providing COVID-19 Relief to Health Care Workers: CopeNYP and Frontline Foods
Learn more about American Psychiatric Association Foundation Announces Support for Two Efforts Providing COVID-19 Relief to Health Care Workers: CopeNYP and Frontline Foods at psychiatry.org
Miss a Session? Select Sessions Available for Replay in San Francisco and Virtually
Access the Session Search to plan your schedule and see what sessions will be replayed. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more and maximize your CME credits.
Explore Sessions on Well-Being and Burnout
Burnout is a serious concern for residents and physicians alike, and much more prevalent as clinicians and staff have been stretched thin with pandemic-related care.
Honoring Chester Pierce with a New Human Rights Award; Your Opportunity to Participate in the Endowment Campaign
As members of the Chester Pierce Human Rights Award Campaign Workgroup, we invite you to join us in supporting the endowment of this award at a critical time in our nation’s history. Professor Chester M. Pierce, M.D., was a psychiatric physician, a Harvard gentleman, a scholar/athlete, the first African American president of his high school graduating class, a founder of Black Psychiatrists of America, and above all, a superb human being.
Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Care for Spanish-Speakers
An estimated 14% of the U.S. population speaks Spanish at home, and 16 million Spanish speakers have limited English proficiency(1). In addition to the potential barrier of lack of language services, recent research has identified other factors contributing to inequities in access and outcomes for Spanish-speaking patients, including perceived discrimination, and mistrust and privacy concerns.(2)
Recovery is a Process
National Recovery Month in September highlights the issue on the issue of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders. As an addiction psychiatrist, I hope that attention to recovery continues throughout the year. For many people receiving treatment, recovery is a continuous journey. There is no end or month of celebration; rather it is an ongoing process.
November Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Trauma, Suicide, Resilience and More
The November issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online.