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For Many, Returning to Work May Bring New Worries

  • Anxiety, Patients and Families

As restrictions guarding against COVID-19 infection are easing, and people begin getting back into the community and work, some people will be ready to go, others may be much more hesitant.

Celebrating 175 Years Since the Founding of the American Psychiatric Association

On Oct. 16, 1844, 13 superintendents of U.S. institutions for people with mental illness came together in Philadelphia for a four-day meeting that led to the creation of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. It was the first national medical society in the U.S. In 1892, the Association’s name was changed to the American Medico-Psychological Association, and in 1921, it became the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

Elevating Bebe Moore Campbell's Legacy in 2023

  • Diversity News and Updates

In July, APA embarked on its annual effort to honor the late renowned author and mental health advocate, Bebe Moore Campbell. Established by Congress in 2008, Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is a call to action and reminder of the mental health inequities affecting communities, and in particular, young people of color.

SMI Adviser Honored with Three 2021 dotCOMM Gold Awards

SMI Adviser, a Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness administered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), won three Gold Awards in the 2021 dotCOMM Awards. SMI Adviser’s mission is to advance the use of a person-centered approach to care that ensures people who have serious mental illness (SMI) find the treatment and support they need.

The Economic Cost of Depression is Increasing; Direct Costs are Only a Small Part

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and can cause tremendous challenge and burden for individuals and families. It also carries a large economic cost. The economic burden of major depressive disorder among U.S. adults was an estimated $236 billion in 2018, an increase of more than 35% since 2010 (year 2020 values), according to research published in early May in the journal Pharmacoeconomics.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Nov. 23 is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, a day designated by Congress as a day for those affected by suicide to come together for healing and support. It falls on the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year.

Can Mindfulness Help with Pain Management?

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, New research, Treatment

Many people suffer with chronic pain, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The typical treatment has involved the use of opioids, but they have well-established drawbacks and risks, including the risk of dependence. Many alternatives are being explored and there is increasing research and evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing pain.

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