999 Results
APA Access Agenda Update: Connecting Patients to Care and Coverage
During the pandemic, Americans have experienced higher rates of anxiety, depression, and substance use. Our country needs to meet the increasing demand for early identification and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. The federal government took a tremendous step forward in December, when it created new authority for the Department of Labor to ensure that mental health and substance use disorders were covered by insurance. Here are three more solutions to help meet the demand
7 Tips for Using Social Media for Mental Well-being
Social wellness, a measure of connectedness with family, friends and community, is key in influencing happiness and positive mental health.(1,2) Research has shown social connection to be a protective factor against a host of mental health disorders, from depression to anxiety.(2) The quality and quantity of our social relationships can also impact our physical health.(3)
November Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Trauma, Suicide, Resilience and More
The November issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online.
APA Leadership Statement on Anti-Asian American Racism and Mental Health
The APA strongly condemns racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against the AAPI community. Racism is considered an adverse event, and an assault to the mental health and wellbeing of individuals. In our role as physicians, we back efforts to eliminate bigotry and discrimination.
Practicing Gratitude to Boost Mental Well-being
Good mental health means emotional, social and psychological well-being, healthy relationships, effective functioning and productive activities, and an ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity. One approach that has been shown to foster mental well-being is focusing on gratitude. Many studies have found an association between being more grateful and a greater sense of overall well-being.
Remaining Calm in Volatile Times
Last month, faced with an unprecedented amount of social unrest in the lead-up to this year’s election, APA issued a statement calling for calm. As we continue to hear about the threats on individual lives and see the violence in the lead up to the January presidential inauguration, I reiterate that call.
Computer-Assisted Treatment and Mobile Apps for Depression
Technology is increasingly assisting us in many aspects of our lives, and mental health treatment is no exception. Research continues to show the benefits of computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy (CCBT) for treating depression and the potential of mental health mobile apps to help.
Media Encouraged to Attend APA Annual Meeting in New Orleans
The American Psychiatric Association@s 2022 Annual Meeting features nationally recognized experts in psychiatry and mental health policy, research, and clinical practice. The meeting@s theme is Social Determinants of Mental Health and will feature more than 300 educational sessions and specialized tracks, including addiction psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and more. There will also be a new Clinical Updates Track, and a Research Track from
Healing Through Art
Visual arts, whether you’re engaging in them or just appreciating them, can bring enjoyment and encouragement, but expressing oneself through art can also have physical and mental health benefits. Art therapy, a type of psychotherapy, helps provide a way to express emotions and experiences not easily expressed in words. It is not about the final product; it is about healing through the process of making art. Research has identified a range of physical and mental health benefits of art and art t
APA Foundation Awards $20K Disaster Relief Grant to Languages of Care
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) recently awarded Languages of Care a $20,000 multi-year grant from its Ukraine Disaster Relief Fund. This grant will specifically support Languages of Care’s work to translate and provide mental-health-related resources and supports in Ukraine.
Things to Consider When Partnering with Third Party Telemental Health Companies
While many psychiatrists are looking to adopt telepsychiatry into their own private practice, other clinicians are opting to partner with third party telemental health companies that offer live video therapy sessions to patients.
The Moynihan Report Revisited: Exploring Its Impact on Psychiatric Practice
During the month of the report’s 59th anniversary, the APA‘s DDHE sponsored a discussion moderated by Walter Wilson Jr., the chair of the Council on Minority Mental Health and Health Disparities.