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796 Results

APA Foundation Recognizes Mental Health Organizations Serving Multicultural Communities

At the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in May, the APA Foundation (APAF) was proud to announce this year’s winners of the Awards for Advancing Minority Mental Health. Established in 2003, these awards are presented annually to recognize local organizations for innovative efforts to raise awareness of mental illness in underserved or minoritized communities. Past award winners have been honored for their work increasing access to mental health care, addressing cultural

APA/APAF Announce Recipients of 2025 MOORE Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and APA Foundation (APAF) is announcing the fourth class of MOORE Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program grantees. Five grant recipients are working to support mental health equity for young people of color, including Aunt Rita's Foundation (Arizona), Burton Homes Community Outreach NFP (Illinois), Oakland Natives Give Back Fund, Inc. (California), Our Minds Matter (Washington, D.C.), and Peoples Empowerment Through Advocacy, Counseling, & Edu

Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Summer 2023

  • Diversity News and Updates

Innovate. Collaborate. Motivate: Charting the future of mental health was our theme for the 2023 APA Annual Meeting. It also serves as the perfect template to share highlights in our newsletter this quarter.

FTC Health Breach Notification Final Rule

In August of 2023 the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed rule addressed the Commission's Health Breach Notification Rule (the “HBN Rule” or the “Rule”).

Joint Statement from the National Council for Behavioral Health, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mental Health America and American Psychiatric Association

A mental health coalition today urged the federal government to provide personal protection equipment (PPE) to all behavioral health care professionals on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter, signed by The National Council for Behavioral Health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Mental Health America (MHA) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) states that the lack of PPE is putting behavioral health care workers at risk.

On the Phone, In a Group, Online: New Study Evaluates Effectiveness of Different Therapy Delivery Methods

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown an effective treatment for depression and other mental health conditions. CBT helps people identify and change thinking and behaviors that are harmful or ineffective and, instead, focus on solving current problems. In addition to being delivered in individual therapy, CBT can be offered in other ways, such as group therapy and self-help programs. A new meta-analysis examining various delivery formats found group, telephone-administered, and gui

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