999 Results
APA’s 2024 Annual Meeting Made News: Don’t Miss Out on ’25!
Press covered over 500 sessions and interviewed experts on new research in psychedelics, substance use disorders, drugs/medications, and mood disorders.
APA Foundation Receives $230,000 Grant from the Sozosei Foundation to Support Diversity Leadership Fellowships
The Sozosei Foundation recently awarded the American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) a two-year, $230,000 grant in support of the American Psychiatric Association/APAF Diversity Leadership Fellowships.
Is the Over-Organization of Youth Sports Taking Away from Their Benefit?
Although sports undoubtedly contribute to the positive health and well-being of student athletes, recent cultural changes in youth sports including overtraining, early sport specialization, and increased parental pressure are contributing to burnout and pushing student athletes out of sports.
What to Expect at the 2022 Annual Meeting
As May 2022 approaches, the psychiatry community we are all part of will take a tentative step towards a “new normality”.
APA Journals Ranked Highly on Latest Scientific Literature “Impact Factor”
The American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s journals were well-represented in the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics © 2023), in which journals are assigned “Impact Factors.” Impact Factor is a bibliometric calculation that describes the level of influence a journal’s published output has on the scientific literature by measuring how many times the work it publishes is cited by others.
Coping with Isolation and Social Distancing
In these unprecedented, uncertain times when many of us are isolated, stuck at home and separated from friends and family, fear and stress are natural reactions. With so much of what is happening out of our control, it’s helpful to focus on what you can do to take of yourself and your family. Keep in mind people react to stressful situations in different ways.
La APA honra el legado y el futuro de la psiquiatría hispana durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Hoy, Día Nacional del Médico Latino, la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) celebra las contribuciones de sus miembros hispanos y latinos, pasados y presentes, al campo de la psiquiatría.
American Psychiatric Association, American Telemedicine Association, ATA Action and 69 Other Groups Call on Administration to Permanently Remove Barriers to Care
Today, 72 organizations asked the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to permanently waive the requirement that patients receive an in-person evaluation prior to being prescribed controlled substances via telemedicine. The organizations, convened by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Telemedicine Association, and ATA Action submitted the letter to the DEA as it is currently developing the Special Registration process for the
Caring for Our Families in Difficult Times: Protecting Mental Health and Wellbeing During Terrorism, War, and other Disasters
Disasters, like terrorism and war, are extremely disruptive and stressful events. The current conflict in the Middle East has impacted communities around the world, including those whose family members are directly involved. In addition, many people experienced increased discrimination in their home country following these events. Some people feel worried about how these disasters impact civil and political discourse or may alter events in the world.
May Issues of APA Journals Cover Cognitive Impacts of Long-Term Cannabis Use and More
The May issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. Also available is the latest issue of Focus.
APA Foundation Donates $25,000 to Maui Wildfire Relief Efforts, Announces Campaign to Raise More
As destruction from the devastating wildfires in Maui continues to add up, the American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) has committed relief aid to the Hawaiian community in the amount of $25,000. APAF’s gift will be made to the Maui Strong Fund.
Submit Your New Research Poster Abstract by January 9
Want to present at APA's 2025 Annual Meeting? New Research Poster abstract submissions are now being accepted through Thursday, January 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.