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Personality Types and Traits Impact How We Cope with Loneliness and Isolation

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study looks at the issue of loneliness, a growing public health concern even before the current environment of social distancing and self-isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study looked at older adults living in senior living communities and characteristics that help some people avoid feeling lonely as they age.

How Endometriosis, a Common, Painful Condition Many Women Face, Can Impact Mental Health

  • Anxiety, Depression, Patients and Families

Endometriosis is a common, often painful condition in which the type of tissue that forms the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside the uterus. The most common symptom of endometriosis is chronic pelvic pain, especially just before and during the menstrual period. Endometriosis is also associated with mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, and a reduced quality of life.

Collaboration is Key to Meeting Demand for Mental Health Services

  • APA Leadership, What APA is Doing For You

The COVID-19 pandemic has left in its wake a serious mental health crisis, the scope of which is still evolving. Even before the pandemic, demand for mental health care services was extremely high, and increasing by the day. Now, as lockdowns have ended and many pandemic restrictions have lifted in America, COVID is still putting a strain on health care personnel, and the systems they work in. In addition to laying bare the severity of healthcare disparities in our communities, the pandemic has

A Psychiatrist’s Guide to Surviving Family Gatherings

  • APA Leadership, Healthy living for mental well-being, President Blog

The Hallmark version of the holiday season portrays a snow-blanketed cozy, warm and loving environment in which we reconnect with friends, family and loved ones, and celebrate the people and events we are thankful for. In fact, in a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association, 47% of Americans say that’s the thing they look forward to the most this holiday season, and, no doubt, it can be joyous.

Taking on the Public Health Threat of Loneliness and Social Isolation

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Public awareness

Loneliness is a significant and growing problem with substantial physical health and mental health impacts. Research has found that loneliness and social isolation may be as bad for your health as obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day and significantly impacts mental health. (1) The restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic increased the problem and increased public awareness of the issue.

What Is Forest Bathing and How Does it Benefit Mental and Physical Health?

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families

For many people, a walk in the forest has long been a relaxing and rejuvenating escape from daily stresses. There is growing medical evidence that immersing oneself in a forest environment can have significant physical and mental health benefits.

Un tercio de los latinos afirma estar más estresados estas fiestas que en 2023, alegando las preocupaciones económicas y la falta de seres queridos

  • Español

A medida que se acercan las vacaciones de invierno, uno de cada tres (33%) latinos dicen que están experimentando más estrés relacionado con la temporada de vacaciones que el año pasado. Algunos de los principales factores estresantes identificados son el coste de los regalos navideños (51%) y las comidas festivas (45%), el duelo por la pérdida o la ausencia de un ser querido (50%), y sentirse solo (38%). Además, los latinos encuestados están estresados por la dificultad para hacer frente a la d

New Report: In Construction Industry, Concern for Mental Health Is High, But Willingness to Discuss Mental Health is Low

As the pandemic continues to impact the economy and mental health of many workers, construction experiences the second highest rate of suicide among major industries. A new survey of the construction workforce from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Foundation’s Center for Workplace Mental Health, the Construction Financial Management Association, CSDZ and Holmes Murphy, calls attention to this issue and offers insights during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

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