798 Results
Understanding How Social Media Can Enhance Your Practice
What if there were a free, accessible way for you to network with leading experts in your field, collaborate with colleagues across the globe, learn about research directly from the investigators, dispel medical myths, and advocate for your patients—all from your smartphone, in the middle of a pandemic? Believe it or not, social media can serve all these purposes and more. For many physicians in training, social media serves as an escape from reality or as a magnifying glass on its less appealin
New Report Examines Disparities in Dementia Care
A new report from the Alzheimer’s Association finds that non-white racial/ethnic populations expect and experience more barriers when accessing dementia care and report having less trust in medical research than white Americans. “Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s in America,” is a companion report to the Association’s annual Facts and Figures report.
Two-Thirds of Black Americans Believe Climate Change Is Hurting Americans’ Health, According to New Poll
According to the latest Healthy Minds Monthly* poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Black Americans are more concerned than Americans overall about the health impacts of climate change. More than two-thirds (67%) of Black American adults believe climate change is already hurting Americans’ health (58% of all adults), and more than half (54%) agree that it’s impacting their mental health (48% of all adults). In addition, more than half of Black Americans (51%) reported being anxi
Study Finds a Decrease in Availability of Spanish Language Mental Health Services
Between 2014 and 2019, the proportion of facilities in the U.S. offering mental health treatment in Spanish declined by 17.8% — a loss of 1,163 Spanish-speaking mental health facilities, according to new research published in Psychiatric Services. Over the same time period, the Hispanic population in the U.S. increased by 4.5% or 5.2 million people.
In Light of Potential Supreme Court Ruling, APA Reiterates Support for Legal Abortion
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has held the position for decades that abortion is a medical procedure for which physicians should respect the patient’s right to freedom of choice. Further, APA opposes all constitutional amendments, legislation, and regulations curtailing family planning and abortion services to any segment of the population.
American Psychiatric Association Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
The American Psychiatric Association is deeply disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, that overturns Roe v. Wade and will ultimately restrict an individual’s right to an abortion. By dismantling nearly 50 years of legal precedent, the Court has jeopardized the physical and mental health of millions of American women and undermined the privacy of the physician-patient relationship.
The Mental Health Benefits of Simple Acts of Kindness
There are many reasons acts of kindness are good for the giver and the receiver. New research looks at the mental health benefits, finding that performing acts of kindness may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.(1) “Acts of kindness” refer to benevolent and helpful actions intentionally directed towards another person, motivated by the desire to help another and not to gain reward or to avoid punishment
Discrimination and Racial Injustice: Are We Moving Forward, Backwards, or Marching in Place?
Are we moving forward, backwards, or marching in place? Within a two-week time span, the United States of America celebrated the birth of the great civil rights leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the start of Black History Month recognizing the achievements and contributions of Black individuals to the growth of our society. Ironic enough, our country witnessed the brutal beating and murder of an unarmed Black male during that same time frame by officers who pledged to serve and p
Americans Note Overwhelming Positive Mental Health Impact of Their Pets in New Poll; Dogs and Cats Equally Beneficial
The findings of the latest edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Healthy Minds Monthly Poll are clear: in addition to feeling like part of the family, Americans’ furry friends offer many mental health benefits.
APA and AVMA Team Up to Encourage Americans to #Paws4MentalHealth
The nation’s leading organizations for psychiatrists and veterinarians are joining forces in March to call attention to the positive mental health benefits of having a pet at home. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), who collectively represent nearly 140,000 physicians and veterinarians, have entitled the effort #Paws4MentalHealth.
Culture Corner: Book and Film Recommendations from APA Member Francis G. Lu, M.D.
Dr. Lu provides tailored recommendations that tie into the theme of the social determinants of mental health. These recommendations establish the importance for mental health professionals in understanding, diagnosing and including social determinants of mental health in treatment planning, as well as mobilizing social action to advocate for policy changes.
Fostering Community Inclusion for Recovery for People with Serious Mental Illness
Meaningful community participation such as employment, education, recreation and leisure activities, religious and spiritual activities, and engagement in civil life is a critical part of recovering from serious mental illness (SMI). In a session at APA’s Annual Meeting in May, speakers provided an overview of how to promote community inclusion for persons with SMI from a variety of perspectives.