798 Results
What Is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Mild cognitive impairment is a common condition in older adults, but a recent survey finds that a large majority of Americans know little or nothing about it.
This Year, Only a Quarter of Americans Are Anxious About Political Debates at the Holiday Table; Overall More Are Concerned About Financing the Festivities
With the holiday season fully underway, about a third of Americans (29%) anticipate being more stressed out than last year. The main source of that stress, however, is not political debate at the dinner table. Among the options tested, Americans named affording holiday gifts (51%), finding and securing holiday gifts (40%), or affording holiday meals (39%) as the top three factors causing them anxiety this season.
Purpose in Life Can Lead to Less Stress, Better Mental Well-being
What is purpose in life? It means having a central, organizing life aim, an overall sense of direction in one's life, and a belief that one’s life activities are valuable and important — making a positive mark on the world. Research indicates that having a purpose in life is good for mental health. For example, having greater purpose in life was significantly associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety.
How to Reduce Loneliness
Loneliness has been identified as a major public health concern with significant implications for physical health, mental health and well-being. APA’s latest Healthy Minds Monthly national poll found that 30% of adults say they have experienced feelings of loneliness at least once a week over the past year. Research has found that loneliness and social isolation may be as bad for your health as obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and significantly impacts mental health.(1) While it has been
Mental Health Effects of the War in Palestine and Israel
The war in Palestine and Israel has destroyed and imperiled the lives and the mental and physical health of Palestinians, Israelis, and others in the region. We express deep compassion for all those who are suffering as well as alarm for the future psychological and behavioral consequences that will affect the people caught in this conflict. The magnitude of death, destruction, and violence threatens to destabilize the region and has sent shock waves around the world, affecting many of us in our
Steven Starks, M.D., M.B.A., Assumes Office of APA Assembly Speaker
Steven Starks, M.D., M.B.A., DFAPA, began his one-year term as the Speaker of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Assembly of District Branches at the close of the organization’s 2024 Annual Meeting in Manhattan.
Join Us for the Fourth Annual APA Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K!
In celebration of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, APA and APAF invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual APA Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K.
New Poll: While Support for School Mental Health Training is Common, Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Believe Most School Staff Have Received It
As children begin to return to school this month, a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) shows that 84% of Americans believe school staff play a crucial role in identifying signs of mental health issues in students, but less than half (45%) of Americans believe most school staff have been trained in identifying these concerns.
Mental Health and Faith Community Partnerships Can Help Improve Access to Care
For many people, faith or spirituality are strongly connected to their mental health and emotional well-being, though it may not be directly addressed within the faith community. According to a recent survey from APA, about 60% of adults say that faith or spirituality is an important factor in supporting their mental wellness. However, just half of those who belong to a religious community say that mental health is discussed openly and without stigma.
Preparing A Pathway for Future Psychiatrists
Members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) are investing in the future of psychiatry through quality patient care and thought leadership, but did you know they are also investing in young academics interested in pursuing psychiatry?
APA’s 69th Convocation of Distinguished Fellows to Feature Pulitzer-Prize Winning Science Writer Siddhartha Mukherjee, M.D.
In his address, Dr. Mukherjee will touch upon his extensive body of research, his experience as a physician leader, and the intersection of medical science and mental health.
Nueva encuesta de la APA: Adultos que participan en actividades creativas al menos semanalmente informan mejor salud mental
Casi la mitad (46%) de los adultos estadounidenses utilizan las actividades creativas para aliviar el estrés y la ansiedad, ya sea tocar el piano, tejer una manta a ganchillo, bailar con los amigos, o resolver crucigramas. Estadounidenses que califican su salud mental de muy buena o excelente practican las actividades creativas con más frecuencia.