999 Results
APA Offers Tips for Understanding Prolonged Grief Disorder
Americans are currently facing several ongoing disasters that have caused death and suffering, such as COVID-19, the wind-down in Afghanistan, floods, fires, hurricanes and gun violence. While many Americans are mourning, some may experience prolonged grief disorder, which is characterized by incapacitating feelings of grief.
February Issues of APA Journals Cover Treating Opioid and Cannabis Use Disorders, Trends in Telepsychiatry, Reproductive Psychiatry and More
The latest issues of three American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and Focus are now available online.
Statement from the American Psychiatric Association Board of Trustees
In light of this week’s news from Columbia University involving APA Past President (2013-14), Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Board of Trustees today issued this statement to the APA membership and the public:
American Psychiatric Association Opposes Efforts to Ban Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives in Medical Education
Today the American Psychiatric Association issued this statement: “In today’s medical schools and academic psychiatry departments, the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion are critical to ensure that the next generation of physicians can serve the needs of evolving, diverse, underrepresented, and underserved patient populations. These principles are also central to creating healthy learning environments for the future workforce.
Los hispano-estadounidenses están más preocupados que el resto de los estadounidenses por las cuestiones económicas; y también aumentó la preocupación por el cambio climático
Mientras que los estadounidenses no hispanos expresaron más preocupación por la inflación en junio (87 %) que en mayo (80 %), la preocupación de los hispano-estadounidenses sobre el tema aumentó de 73 % al 88 %.
“APA Gives Back” to Skid Row Running Club
Learn more about “APA Gives Back” to Skid Row Running Club at psychiatry.org
APA Statement on the Shootings in Georgia
Yesterday, eight people, including many women of Asian descent, were shot dead at spas in Georgia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, inflammatory language and violent acts have placed the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and businesses at risk. While authorities are still investigating the motive, it comes at a time when anti-Asian American racism has swelled in the United States. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) issued the following statements.
APA Expresses Concern About the Trump Administration Executive Order Regarding Diversity and Inclusion Training by Federal Agencies
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is concerned about the impact a recent Trump Administration Executive Order may have on gender or racial diversity training in federal agencies and by contractors that receive federal funding.
Joseph C. Napoli, M.D., Assumes Post as APA Assembly Speaker
t the close of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Virtual Highlights Meeting, Joseph C. Napoli, M.D., assumed the role of Speaker of the APA Assembly of District Branches.
APA Finalizes Purchase of Washington, D.C. Headquarters
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today announced it had finalized the purchase of its Washington, D.C. headquarters. The APA purchased the top three floors it occupies at 800 Maine Ave., SW, which is part of the Wharf development along the Potomac River waterfront. The APA moved into its headquarters in early 2018 on a lease with the option to buy.
APA and Illinois Psychiatric Society Joint Statement on Shooting in Aurora, Ill.
The American Psychiatric Association and the Illinois Psychiatry Society release the following joint statement in response to the deadly shooting at the Henry Pratt Company in Aurora, Ill.
APA Expresses Great Disappointment in the Supreme Court Decision to Lift the Injunctions on the Administration’s Ban on Transgender Servicemembers
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is greatly disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision to lift the injunctions on the Administration’s ban on transgender servicemembers before all the lower court cases are decided.