999 Results
7 Tips for Using Social Media for Mental Well-being
Social wellness, a measure of connectedness with family, friends and community, is key in influencing happiness and positive mental health.(1,2) Research has shown social connection to be a protective factor against a host of mental health disorders, from depression to anxiety.(2) The quality and quantity of our social relationships can also impact our physical health.(3)
What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Many people may be familiar with the casual use of the term narcissist, referring to a person who is very self-centered, boastful and hungry for attention and admiration. However, narcissistic personality disorder, a condition described in the DSM-5-TR*, is more severe, persistent and problematic.
Advocacy in Action
We are pleased to introduce a new section of the newsletter titled “Advocacy in Action” in support of the APA Board-Approved Recommendations on Strategic Planning that included “working to end disparities in mental health care” and “advocating for health equity and policies for undoing racism and discrimination within local, state, and federal government, and health professional organizations.”
COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism
For Asian Americans, including myself, a run to the grocery store might mean additional risks under the COVID-19 pandemic like physical and verbal assaults. During stay-at-home orders, there were more than 1,700 anti-Asian incidents reported to the Stop AAPI Hate online tracker, managed by several Asian American interest organizations.
Susceptibility to Conspiracy Theories and Fake News
Conspiracy theories, which explain events or a set of circumstances as the result of secret plot by usually powerful and malevolent groups, are quite common. Research has provided some understanding about why people are drawn to conspiracy theories and what makes some people more likely to believe than others.
Practicing Gratitude to Boost Mental Well-being
Good mental health means emotional, social and psychological well-being, healthy relationships, effective functioning and productive activities, and an ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity. One approach that has been shown to foster mental well-being is focusing on gratitude. Many studies have found an association between being more grateful and a greater sense of overall well-being.
Social-Emotional Learning Interventions in Preschool Can Help Long-term Mental Well-being
When young children don't have the opportunity to develop social, emotional and self-regulation skills they begin at a disadvantage and the challenges they face as a result can compound with the demands of school and growing up. But a social-emotional learning intervention in preschool can benefit disadvantaged children's mental well-being into their teens, according to a new study published in APA's American Journal of Psychiatry.
Simple Tips to Help You Get Moving and Boost Mental Well-Being
Among the many consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns are limitations on physical activity. New research reinforces the mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise as pandemic restrictions continue.
Are there Mental Health Benefits to Being a Morning Person?
Many of us identify ourselves as either a morning person or a night owl, and these preferences are at least partly the result of our genes. New research finds associations between the timing of your sleep/wake preferences and your mental health.The study from researchers at the University of Exeter and Massachusetts General Hospital suggests that being genetically programmed to rise early may lead to greater well-being and a lower risk of depression and schizophrenia.
Earn CME and Sharpen Your Skills at the Spring Highlights Meeting
When the Board of Trustees concluded that APA Annual Meeting could not be held due to travel and large-gathering restrictions in Philadelphia associated with the outbreak of COVID-19, it was a painful, but correct decision. Many of our members depend on the Annual Meeting to earn their CME credits, hone their clinical skills, learn about the latest in groundbreaking research, and network with friends and colleagues from all over the world.
Remaining Calm in Volatile Times
Last month, faced with an unprecedented amount of social unrest in the lead-up to this year’s election, APA issued a statement calling for calm. As we continue to hear about the threats on individual lives and see the violence in the lead up to the January presidential inauguration, I reiterate that call.
Youth Mental Health: Prevention, Support and Intervention
Adolescence can be a vulnerable time for mental health concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences have had an impact on the mental health of people of all ages, including teens, with continued distance learning, isolation and limited sports and activities. However, proactive preventive interventions can make a difference.