999 Results
New Study Tests a Curriculum for Medical Students on Detecting and Treating Opioid Use Disorder
From December 2020 to December 2021 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. increased by nearly 15%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of the nearly 71,000 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2019, 70% involved opioids. A presentation at this year’s American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting examined one approach to ending this crisis: offering focused training as part of the medical student curriculum.
New Research Examines Firearm Culture in Families of Youth Who Died by Firearm-Suicide
A new study, released today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting, examined perspectives on firearms among the families of youth who completed suicide by firearm, and found that in many cases, youth who died by gun-related suicide had been introduced to these weapons through culturally rooted familial traditions. The researchers also examined family members’ perspectives on suicide prevention interventions, including the State of Maryland’s Extreme Risk Protective Order Law,
Technologies Used for Clinical Care, Part I: Introduction and Telecompetencies
This blog focuses on telepsychiatry and other technologies for clinical care and training—it emphasizes effective models and a range of technologies, along with competencies for video, social media, and mobile health. See next month’s blog, Part II, which focuses on clinical and administrative issues and challenges.
Is Social Jet Lag Dragging You Down?
Social jet lag refers to the mismatch between a person’s internal clock and their daily schedules. For most people that means the difference in sleep schedules between weekdays (school or workdays) and weekends (non-workdays).
APA Presidential Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry Begins Its Work
The American Psychiatric Association today announced the members and charge of its Presidential Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry. The Task Force was initially described at an APA Town Hall on June 15 amidst rising calls from psychiatrists for action on racism. It held its first meeting on June 27, and efforts, including the planning of future town halls, surveys and the establishment of related committees, are underway.
Women Psychiatrists Caucus Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Lisa Dixon
In this episode, Dr. Gupta is joined by Dr. Lisa Dixon. Dr. Dixon is the Edna L Edison Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York-Presbyterian Hospital.
Chief Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Vishal Madaan
Dr. Vishal Madaan is the Chief of Education & Deputy Medical Director at the American Psychiatric Association (APA). In this role, Dr. Madaan leads content development and innovation for APA educational programs, including those offered through its Annual Meeting, online APA Learning Center, educational grants, and accreditation efforts.
In Light of Potential Supreme Court Ruling, APA Reiterates Support for Legal Abortion
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has held the position for decades that abortion is a medical procedure for which physicians should respect the patient’s right to freedom of choice. Further, APA opposes all constitutional amendments, legislation, and regulations curtailing family planning and abortion services to any segment of the population.
Mary Jo Fitz-Gerald, M.D., Assumes Post as APA Assembly Speaker
At the close of the American Psychiatric Association 2021 Annual Meeting, Mary Jo Fitz-Gerald, M.D., assumed the role of Speaker of the APA Assembly of District Branches.
APA Releases Guidance on Admittance, Discharge of Psychiatric Patients During COVID-19
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today issued guidance on the admittance and release of psychiatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance is in response to efforts to either deny admittance to or prematurely release psychiatric patients under the guise of avoiding COVID-19 infection.
My Writing an Op-Ed Didn’t Seem Possible, Until I Got Some Help
One of the great opportunities of the APA Fellowship is to learn from national leaders about the writing tools at our disposal and how to use them. If there’s something you strongly believe in or an injustice you know needs to be addressed, learning how to advocate through opinion writing is an invaluable skill to have.
Media Advisory: As a Third of Americans Spend Four or More Hours a Day on Social Media, APA Offers New Polling, Resources on Technology Use
Technology has become an integral and growing part of everyday life. It is key for efficient daily functioning and vital for social connection for many. Smartphones are constant companions, and in fact, 64% of Americans feel somewhat or very anxious when they don’t have access to their phone, according to new polling from the American Psychiatric Association