999 Results
Mental Health Equity on a Global Scale: An Interview with Dr. Pamela Collins
There are more universals in the global fight to achieve mental health equity than there are differences, according to Dr. Pamela Collins, the Director of the Consortium for Global Mental Health at the University of Washington in Seattle.
APA Reaffirms Support for Goldwater Rule
APA today reaffirmed its support behind the ethics guideline commonly known as “The Goldwater Rule,” which asserts that member psychiatrists should not give professional opinions about the mental state of someone they have not personally evaluated.
Providing Veterans with Video-Enabled Tablets Leads to Improved Mental Health Care Access
A Veterans Health Administration (VHA) program that provides tablets to veterans with mental disorders leads to improved access and continuity of care. A new study published online in Psychiatric Services in Advance finds that video-enabled tablets can improve mental health care access for patients who experience barriers because of geographic, social, or health-related circumstances.
November Issues of APA Journals Feature Research on Substance Use Disorders, Suicide Prevention, Peer-Run Approaches, and More
The latest issues of three American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, and Focus, are now available online.
Preparing for the Potential Upcoming Expiration of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) Flexibilities
The potential end of these flexibilities will mark a significant shift in the landscape of telemedicine. To prepare APA members for this shift, our Committee on Telepsychiatry provides you with the following guidance.
Media Advisory: Media Encouraged to Attend APA Annual Meeting in San Francisco
The American Psychiatric Association’s 2023 Annual Meeting features nationally recognized experts in psychiatry and mental health policy, research, and clinical practice. The meeting’s theme is Innovate, Collaborate, Motivate: Charting the Future of Mental Health and will feature more than 600 educational sessions and specialized tracks, including addiction psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and more. The meeting will also include a clinical u
Introduction from APA’s CEO & Medical Director
APA CEO & Medical Director Marketa M. Wills, M.D., M.B.A. introduces herself to APA members and gives some insight into her first 90 days at APA.
Advocating for Telepsychiatry in Psychiatric Training
How can the field of psychiatry facilitate the process of preparing early career psychiatrists for new opportunities to improve the quality of psychiatric care for under-served populations, while also developing new practice opportunities, via telepsychiatry?
FDA Approves First Game-Based Therapy for ADHD
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month approved a video game-based therapy for treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is the first game-based therapy, called a digital therapeutic device, approved by FDA for any type of condition.
APA Announces New Events for Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
APA celebrates each July with a series of community-wide events focused on mental health equity for young people of color. Check out what's in store for this year!
Things to Consider When Partnering with Third Party Telemental Health Companies
While many psychiatrists are looking to adopt telepsychiatry into their own private practice, other clinicians are opting to partner with third party telemental health companies that offer live video therapy sessions to patients.
Thriving in Old Age
In honor of Older Americans Month in May, I wanted to break down stereotypes about older adults. In the United States, we tend to split older adults into two groups: we celebrate the few older adults who live past 100 with TV stories or newspaper articles, and then we assume most older adults have unbearable burdens and are languishing in understaffed facilities.