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New Poll: Small Acts of Kindness Make Most Americans Feel Better

As the holiday season approaches, most Americans say that small acts of kindness make them feel better, and that is true for both giving and receiving those acts. And acts of kindness were happening: in the past three months, 93% of Americans reported having done something kind, including 69% who had said hello to a stranger, 68% who reported holding a door open for someone, and 65% who had given someone a compliment. Among other options surveyed:

Climate Change-Driven Mental Health Inequities

In the inaugural episode, our expert panelists touch on the difference between resilience and resistance, learning from ancestral indigenous knowledge and observation, tolerating uncertainty and eco-anxiety as clinicians, consumerism, centering equity into the climate crisis and more. Join us as we gain important insight from Dr. Robin Cooper, Dr. Carissa Caban-Aleman, Dr. Joe Neidhardt, and Dr. Jessica Isom.

Women Psychiatrists Caucus Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Dionne Hart

In this episode, Dr. Gupta is joined by Dr. Dionne Hart. Dr. Hart is board-certified in Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine. She is an adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine and was recently elected to the APA BOT as the Area 4 Trustee.

APA Ethics Committee Issues Opinion on the Spread of Disinformation

  • What APA is Doing For You

"When speaking publicly about a pandemic, therefore, it is particularly incumbent upon psychiatrists to honestly and responsibly share factual information,” states a new opinion from the American Psychiatric Association’s Ethics Committee. “Disseminating falsehoods about a pandemic disease such as COVID-19, including misleading information about scientifically supported public health protocols or vaccines, is unethical.”

APA Concerned About Transgender Military Ban

The American Psychiatric Association (APA), the national medical association representing more than 38,500 psychiatric physicians, is concerned about the Department of Defense’s (DoD) decision to implement a ban of transgender Americans from the U.S. military, effective Friday.

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