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APA Reaffirms Support for Goldwater Rule

APA today reaffirmed its support behind the ethics guideline commonly known as “The Goldwater Rule,” which asserts that member psychiatrists should not give professional opinions about the mental state of someone they have not personally evaluated.

Project SEARCH: Increasing Employment Opportunities for Young Adults with Autism

  • Autism

Landing your first full-time job can be challenging for anyone, but for people with autism it’s especially challenging. Two years after high school, more than half of young adults with autism are not employed, according to Autism Speaks. The Project SEARCH Transition-to-Work program aims to help improve the odds for employment for young people with autism.

Most Teens Who Use E-Cigarettes Have Tried to Quit

  • Addiction, Patients and Families

More than half of middle and high schoolers who use e-cigarettes said that they intend to quit and about two-thirds had tried to quit during the past year, according to a recent study in Pediatrics.

Team Sports May Help Build Resilience After Trauma

  • Anxiety, Depression, Patients and Families

Traumatic and other negative experiences in childhood can have lasting effects, including increased chances of physical health issues and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. A new study finds that among people who had adverse childhood experiences, participation in sports during adolescence is associated with better adult mental health

Thriving in Old Age

  • Older adults, Patients and Families

In honor of Older Americans Month in May, I wanted to break down stereotypes about older adults. In the United States, we tend to split older adults into two groups: we celebrate the few older adults who live past 100 with TV stories or newspaper articles, and then we assume most older adults have unbearable burdens and are languishing in understaffed facilities.

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