999 Results
Rumination: A Cycle of Negative Thinking
Rumination involves repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences. The repetitive, negative aspect of rumination can contribute to the development of depression or anxiety and can worsen existing conditions.
Exploring a Strengths-Based Approach to Neurodiversity
April is Autism Acceptance Month, drawing attention to the needs and concerns of people on the autism spectrum and other neurodiverse individuals. A new book, “Neurodiversity: From Phenomenology to Neurobiology and Enhancing Technologies,” explores a strengths-based approach to a broad array of neurodiversity.
APA Releases Model Legislation for State Telehealth Advocacy
During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, states have swiftly adopted changes to telehealth regulatory policy, resulting in increased access to care. Recognizing that such changes were intended to be temporary, APA has drafted model legislation, with the intention of helping states to retain these new policies by enshrining them into law.
The Goldwater Rule: Why breaking it is Unethical and Irresponsible
The unique atmosphere of this year’s election cycle may lead some to want to psychoanalyze the candidates, but to do so would not only be unethical, it would be irresponsible.
What Happens When You Quit, or at Least Really Cut Back, Your Social Media Use?
For many people, checking social media regularly and spending a lot of time on it is a part of everyday life. But what is the impact on your well-being if you just quit for a while, or at least significantly cut back? You’ll probably be at least a little bit better off, according to a couple of recent studies. Substantial research over the past few years has linked social media use with reduced well-being, sleep problems and increased loneliness, depression and mental distress.
Preparing A Pathway for Future Psychiatrists
Members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) are investing in the future of psychiatry through quality patient care and thought leadership, but did you know they are also investing in young academics interested in pursuing psychiatry?
Sleeping Like a Pro
Athletes are particularly adept at combining mind and body to maximize performance in sport. However, the same does not always apply to performance in sleep. Most researchers and doctors recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night at a minimum, and less than that is considered insufficient sleep. While the overall rate of insufficient sleep in the general population is high, athletes are even more likely to suffer from lack of shut eye. Whether it’s due to traveling, practice schedules, or balanci
New Research Points to Disparities in Autism Prevalence and Access to Care
New research based on data from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network found that among 8-year-old children, 1 in 36 were identified with autism spectrum disorder in 2020. This is an increase from 1 in 54 in 2016.
APA Reaffirms Support for Goldwater Rule
APA today reaffirmed its support behind the ethics guideline commonly known as “The Goldwater Rule,” which asserts that member psychiatrists should not give professional opinions about the mental state of someone they have not personally evaluated.
Meet Dr. Peter Yellowlees of APA's Committee on Telepsychiatry
In this video, Dr. Steven Chan and Dr. Peter Yellowlees discuss asynchronous telepsychiatry, various clinical uses of telepsychiatry, and future trends in the field.
Project SEARCH: Increasing Employment Opportunities for Young Adults with Autism
Landing your first full-time job can be challenging for anyone, but for people with autism it’s especially challenging. Two years after high school, more than half of young adults with autism are not employed, according to Autism Speaks. The Project SEARCH Transition-to-Work program aims to help improve the odds for employment for young people with autism.
Most Teens Who Use E-Cigarettes Have Tried to Quit
More than half of middle and high schoolers who use e-cigarettes said that they intend to quit and about two-thirds had tried to quit during the past year, according to a recent study in Pediatrics.