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APA Urges Congress to Fund Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Provisions Within the Build Back Better Act

As Congress considers a reconciliation package to address funding President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is expressing strong support for several provisions within the Act that are critical for enhancing efforts to improve mental health across the nation at this time of great need. In a letter sent to House and Senate leadership, the APA detailed essential provisions to include within the package

Addiction: Treatment, Recovery, and the Role of Family & Friends

  • Addiction, Treatment

A conversation with Monica Taylor-Desir, M.D., M.P.H., a member of the board of the APA Foundation, and Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A., APA president-elect on what addiction looks like, what treatment looks like, and how family and friends can help a person in recovery.

May Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover New Treatments, Assessing Crisis Lines, Suicide Prevention, and More

he latest issues of three of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and Focus are now available online. The May issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry focuses on treatments, with articles presenting issues related to psychedelics, trichotillomania, social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and opioid use disorder.

Not Only Amount, But Timing of Sleep Can Be Important for Mental Health

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families, Sleep Disorders

The amount and quality of sleep we get are important to both physical and mental health. Sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances are associated with the onset and worsening of some mental health disorders – including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A new research review highlights the prevalence of these disturbances in people with mental health disorders and suggests that disturbances in sleep and internal body clocks can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues

Personal Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder, Part 2

This episode is the second of a two-part discussion about bipolar disorder led by Dr. Ken Duckworth. He leads a deep discussion that offers insights for individuals, family members and mental health professionals: living with it, loving someone who has it, treating it, the impact of cultural identity, and more.

Chronic Pain and Mental Health Often Interconnected

  • Anxiety, Depression, Patients and Families

Chronic pain and mental health disorders often occur together. In fact, research suggests that chronic pain and mental health problems can contribute to and exacerbate the other.

American Psychiatric Association Releases New Educational Resources on Maternal Mental Health

Annually, one in five childbearing persons in the United States experience a mental health or substance use disorder before, during, or after pregnancy .1-3 To ensure psychiatrists and mental health clinicians are best positioned to respond to this need, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with support of the CDC Foundation, has released a series of educational materials for addressing perinatal mental health in its Psychiatric Toolkit. The toolkit includes eight fact sheets for clinicia

Pregnancy, Mental and Substance Use Conditions and Treatment: Advice from Mental Health Experts

  • Patients and Families, Treatment, Women

An estimated one in five childbearing persons in the U.S. experience a mental or substance use disorder before, during, or after pregnancy each year. With support from the CDC Foundation, APA has developed a series of educational materials for addressing perinatal mental health. This toolkit includes four fact sheets for patients: for people planning to become pregnant, for pregnant persons, for postpartum people, and suggestions for preparing for medical appointments.

APA Pledges Continued Support for Affordable Care Act on its 10th Anniversary

Ten years ago today, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. In addition to its main objective of expanding health insurance coverage to 30 million Americans, the reform package also included a number of elements related to psychiatric care, which have ultimately increased access to treatment for people with serious mental illness and substance use disorder.

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