999 Results
Is Social Jet Lag Dragging You Down?
Social jet lag refers to the mismatch between a person’s internal clock and their daily schedules. For most people that means the difference in sleep schedules between weekdays (school or workdays) and weekends (non-workdays).
ADHD Increasing Among Adults
New research published earlier this month finds the number of adults with ADHD has been increasing. The study in JAMA Open Network found the rate of ADHD has been increasing among adults of all races/ethnicities. However, there were substantially lower rates of detection among minority racial/ethnic subgroups. Rates of ADHD and rates remained highest for whites throughout the 10-year study period.
Advocating for Telepsychiatry in Psychiatric Training
How can the field of psychiatry facilitate the process of preparing early career psychiatrists for new opportunities to improve the quality of psychiatric care for under-served populations, while also developing new practice opportunities, via telepsychiatry?
"Seen Not Heard:" A Health Equity Discussion on Racial Trauma and School Performance
APA and the APA Foundation (APAF) hosted a panel discussion on racial trauma and school performance.
NBC4: Mental Health Community Fair at Howard University Raises Awareness, Provides Resources for Residents
News4’s Derrick Ward speaks with Dr. Regina James on why doctors in the District are working hard to address the stigma associated with mental health, and doing their part to open doors with education.
Jim Obergefell, Lead Plaintiff in Landmark Same-Sex Marriage Case, to Address APA
Obergerfell will receive the John Fryer 50th Anniversary Speech Award on Tuesday at 8 a.m. at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. This special event, titled “Special APA CEO Breakfast Session: John Fryer 50th Anniversary Speech Award Celebration,” will commemorate the appearance of psychiatrist John Fryer, M.D., in disguise at the 1972 APA Annual Meeting to announce that he was gay.
Enhance your Annual Meeting experience with Masters & Paid Courses!
The 2024 Annual Meeting is your opportunity to take several Master and Paid Courses to grow your educational experience to a higher level.
Autism, Anxiety and Sensory Challenges
Anxiety disorders are common in children and adolescents, and sensory reactivity is also common among young children. Both conditions are more common in children with autism than children without autism. Researchers are exploring the connections and relationships between these conditions.
Telepsychiatry Legal and Regulatory Considerations during COVID-19
Learn more about Telepsychiatry Legal and Regulatory Considerations during COVID-19 at psychiatry.org
ONC Information Blocking Disincentives
The 21st Century Cures Act proposes to establish disincentives for healthcare providers who committed information blocking.
Dr. Steven Chan Interviews Dr. Iverson Bell About His Experience with Telepsychiatry
Dr. Steven Chan interviews Dr. Iverson Bell about how his experiences with telehealth have evolved over the years to present day, barriers to implementation, and discusses his hopes and expectations for the future of telepsychiatry.
Understanding How Social Media Can Enhance Your Practice
What if there were a free, accessible way for you to network with leading experts in your field, collaborate with colleagues across the globe, learn about research directly from the investigators, dispel medical myths, and advocate for your patients—all from your smartphone, in the middle of a pandemic? Believe it or not, social media can serve all these purposes and more. For many physicians in training, social media serves as an escape from reality or as a magnifying glass on its less appealin