999 Results
The Virtual Annual Meeting Brings the Conference Experience to You
Experience the must-attend event in psychiatry from the comfort of your own space with APA’s 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting!
Media Advisory: Press Preview to Highlight New Research, Featured Speakers for American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting
Join us for a virtual press briefing to learn about highlights and key events of the APA Annual Meeting scheduled for May 4-8 at the Javits Center in New York City. APA leadership will offer an overview of the meeting for media including high-profile speakers, press briefings and a sampling of the more than 500 sessions on the schedule.
Las mascotas de los estadounidenses ofrecen apoyo a la salud mental de sus dueños, casi 1 de cada 5 tiene un animal de apoyo emocional
Se dice que en Washington que si quieres un amigo, consíguete un perro. Los resultados de una Encuesta Mensual sobre Mentes Saludables de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana, publicada juntamente con la Asociación Americana de Medicina Veterinaria, parecen coincidir con ese adagio: entre los muchos beneficios para la salud mental de las mascotas, casi dos tercios de los dueños de mascotas dicen que sus animales ofrecen compañía (65%), son un verdadero amigo (65%) y proporcionan amor y apoyo inc
Register for Educational Sessions Leading the Way in Psychiatric Practice
The 2024 APA Annual Meeting Ethics Track features a range of topics at the forefront of psychiatric practice.
Los estadounidenses expresan cada vez más ansiedad en una encuesta anual; El estrés y el sueño son factores clave para salud mental
Los resultados de 2024 de la encuesta anual sobre salud mental de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) muestran que los adultos estadounidenses se sienten cada vez más ansiosos. En 2024, el 43% de los adultos dicen sentirse más ansiosos que el año anterior, frente al 37% en 2023 y el 32% en 2022. Los adultos están particularmente ansiosos por los acontecimientos actuales (70%), especialmente la economía (77%), las elecciones estadounidenses de 2024 (73%) y la violencia armada (69%).
Explore Sessions on Psychopharmacology
Psychopharmacology is a complex field, with drug-drug interactions, contraindications, and an ever-evolving landscape of different options for treatment.
How Do You Train for Telepsychiatry?
Many health care institutions and individual psychiatrists are using telepsychiatry in a wide range of clinical models and settings; however, implementation is occurring in uneven patterns across the country.
News 4 Your Sunday: Effect of the George Floyd Case
News4’s Pat Lawson Muse spoke with American Psychiatric Association Deputy Medical Director Regina James, M.D., about the effect of the George Floyd murder and the trial and conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
New Recommendations May Help Prevent Depression in New Mothers
Perinatal depression refers to depression that occurs during pregnancy or following childbirth. It affects more than one in nine new mothers and can be harmful not only for the mother, but also for the infant. Despite media attention and celebrities sharing about their experiences with peripartum depression, it very often goes unrecognized and untreated.
Stuttering: Challenging the Misperceptions
An estimated 5% of people will experience stuttering in their lives. Stuttering starts in childhood and for most children the problem ends on its own by adolescence. But for about 25% of those individuals, it persists. For an estimated 3 million adults in the U.S., stuttering continues into adulthood.
New Partnership to Focus on Gender Equity, Wellness and Leadership Issues Faced by Women Physicians
Female physicians face persistent challenges, including pay inequities, discrimination and an imbalance between responsibilities at work and home. To address those issues, six leading medical organizations have formed a partnership, Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership project (WEL), that will bring together early- to mid-career female physicians for networking, mentorship and leadership training.
Enter the 2023 APA Annual Meeting Post of the Day Contest
Make sure to share your APA Annual Meeting experience on social media with #APAAM23, you will be automatically entered to be our Post of the Day. Each day one person will be randomly chosen to be the "Post Of The Day" winner and receive a $25 Starbucks gift card!