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APA Annual Meeting 2024: What To Know Before You Go
As someone who fully experienced APA annual meeting for the first time in 2023, I want to share how to make the most of your time at the event.
Submit Your New Research Poster Abstract by January 9
Want to present at APA's 2025 Annual Meeting? New Research Poster abstract submissions are now being accepted through Thursday, January 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.
Explore Sessions on Psychopharmacology
Psychopharmacology is a complex field, with drug-drug interactions, contraindications, and an ever-evolving landscape of different options for treatment.
Miss a Session? Select Sessions Available for Replay in San Francisco and Virtually
Access the Session Search to plan your schedule and see what sessions will be replayed. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more and maximize your CME credits.
Tips for a Great Annual Meeting Experience
Four important things attendees need to know before they head to New York.
How Overflow Sessions Work at the Annual Meeting
Pack your headphones and smartphone and watch out for notifications in the App's "Wall" feature.
APA Members: Remember to Vote by Jan. 31
Because of changes to the election guidelines in effect this year that are designed to even the playing field, APA helped to produce some additional materials about the candidates.
Tell Me Something Good
This episode features an excerpt from the presentation, "Tell Me Something Good" by veteran NPR reporter Jacki Lyden.
Tips for First Time Attendees
If you’re newcomer to the Annual Meeting, here are some tips to guarantee that you have an enriching and enjoyable time in New York.
New for 2024! Participate in MindGames Masters
MindGames Masters is a three-part educational experience that allows psychiatrists to show off their knowledge and learn more about five subspecialties in an engaging, fun, and competitive atmosphere.
Stay Informed with the 2024 APA Annual Meeting On Demand
The 2024 APA Annual Meeting was a landmark event. With a special focus on confronting addiction, this year's sessions provided invaluable insights and practical strategies that can make a real difference in your clinical practice.
En una nueva encuesta, los hispanoamericanos destacan el gran impacto positivo de sus mascotas en la salud mental
Los hallazgos de la última edición de la encuesta mensual Healthy Minds de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA, por sus siglas en inglés) son claros: además de sentirse como parte de la familia, las mascotas s de los estadounidenses ofrecen muchos beneficios para la salud mental.