999 Results
MEDIA ADVISORY: Media Encouraged to Attend APA Annual Meeting in San Francisco
The American Psychiatric Association's 2019 Annual Meeting features nationally recognized experts in psychiatry and mental health policy, research and clinical practice. The meeting will feature more than 650 sessions and specialized tracks, including addiction psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and more.
New Video Blogs on Telepsychiatry during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the landscape of health care delivery as many services shifted from face-to-face to virtual interactions.
A Statement from APA’s Telepsychiatry and Mental Health IT Committees
As telepsychiatry has expanded, so has the number of online clinics. But as new and innovative services proliferate, one thing must remain constant: a commitment to high-quality, safe, and appropriate care.
As Telepsychiatry Options Expand, Patient Safety and Quality Is Essential
A statement from the APA’s Telepsychiatry and Mental Health IT Committees on Patient Safety and Quality
Attend Fellow Sessions
The APA is proud to present a list of the sessions where Fellows will be presenting this year at the Annual Meeting. We hope you can support each other and learn from the amazing work and research Fellows are engaged in. There is an opportunity to hear from a fellow each day of the conference.
NBC4: Mental Health Community Fair at Howard University Raises Awareness, Provides Resources for Residents
News4’s Derrick Ward speaks with Dr. Regina James on why doctors in the District are working hard to address the stigma associated with mental health, and doing their part to open doors with education.
Submit Your New Research Poster Abstract by January 9
Want to present at APA's 2025 Annual Meeting? New Research Poster abstract submissions are now being accepted through Thursday, January 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.
Moore Equity in Mental Health 2021 Virtual Event
APA in partnership with the APA Foundation, hosted its inaugural Moore Equity in Mental Health Virtual 5k July 9th, 2021, supporting mental health equity in BIPOC youth, education, and awareness around this issue.
Meet Members of APA's Committee on Telepsychiatry
Watch our inaugural Telepsychiatry Vlog entry, featuring Dr. Jay Shore, Chair of APA@s Committee on Telepsychiatry, and Dr. Steven Chan, a member of APA@s Committee on Telepsychiatry.
Submit Your New Research Poster Abstract by January 11
Want to present at APA's 2024 Annual Meeting? New Research Poster abstract submissions are now being accepted through Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.
Los hispanoamericanos se sienten más informados sobre el vínculo entre la nutrición y la salud mental que las personas no hispanas. El 78 % cambiaría su dieta para tener un efecto positivo en su salud mental.
Los hispanoamericanos están entendiendo esta relación: la última encuesta mensual de Healthy Minds de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría revela que cuatro de cada cinco (81 %) de los adultos hispanoamericanos se consideran informados sobre el vínculo entre la nutrición y la salud mental. Este porcentaje es más alto que el de las personas no hispanas, de las cuales solo el 63 % indicó ese nivel de conocimiento.
Muchos padres hispano-estadounidenses están preocupados por los efectos de la pandemia en la salud mental de sus hijos
Una nueva encuesta de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA) descubrió quelos padres hispanos presentaron más probabilidades de estar de acuerdo en que les preocupan los efectos de la pandemia en la salud mental de sus hijos que otros grupos (67 % frente a 49 % de no hispanos).