999 Results
New Study Correlates Increased Sparring with Brain Changes in Mixed Martial Arts
New research presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting today examined brain changes associated with sparring in people participating in mixed martial arts (MMA) and observed a significant correlation between the number of sparring sessions and brain changes.
What Happens When You Quit, or at Least Really Cut Back, Your Social Media Use?
For many people, checking social media regularly and spending a lot of time on it is a part of everyday life. But what is the impact on your well-being if you just quit for a while, or at least significantly cut back? You’ll probably be at least a little bit better off, according to a couple of recent studies. Substantial research over the past few years has linked social media use with reduced well-being, sleep problems and increased loneliness, depression and mental distress.
Cannabis: Understanding the Risks
At a recent session at the APA Annual Meeting, a panel of psychiatrists addressed many of the common misconceptions around cannabis. With more states legalizing cannabis and changing public perceptions, there is confusion around its safety and uses.
The Landscape of Telemental Health Coverage After the PHE
With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) nearing on May 11, 2023, clinicians are wondering how telehealth services will continue to be covered.
Is the Over-Organization of Youth Sports Taking Away from Their Benefit?
Although sports undoubtedly contribute to the positive health and well-being of student athletes, recent cultural changes in youth sports including overtraining, early sport specialization, and increased parental pressure are contributing to burnout and pushing student athletes out of sports.
Video-based Program Helps Reduce Anxiety
Technology is increasingly being used in many ways to help meet needs for mental health services and support. For example, apps can help track your mood or symptoms and can help connect you to providers or other support. Among the barriers that technology may help overcome are access to care, cost and stigma. Despite increased awareness and acceptance of mental health care, many people are reluctant to seek help.
Service Dogs Can Be Invaluable in Helping People with PTSD
​​​​​​​Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated one in seven adults at some time in their lives and it affects a large proportion of military members and veterans. In addition to the variety of effective treatments available, people often also use complementary interventions, such as the use of trained PTSD service dogs. These service dogs perform specific tasks that help address PTSD symptoms, such as applying pressure to alleviate anxiety and nudging to interrupt flashbacks
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Spring 2024
In this quarterly issue of our Diversity and Health Equity Newsletter, we bring you exciting updates, and engaging story pieces about you, our members.
A Few Phone Calls From Trained Volunteers Can Make a Difference for People with Depression
New research finds that volunteers who make a few empathetic phone calls can significantly improve others’ loneliness and depressive symptoms among adults. This type of program could help address the significant shortage of mental health professionals and improve mental healthcare, the study authors suggest.
Teens and Digital Technology During the Pandemic
A new report from Common Sense, Tweens, Teens, Tech, and Mental Health: Coming of Age in an Increasingly Digital, Uncertain, and Unequal World, addresses the connections between teens’ use of digital technology and mental health. It acknowledges the critical importance of digital connection for teens, especially during the pandemic, and provides guidance on identifying youth who might be at risk for potential harmful effects of social media use.
Data Driven Decisions and Outcomes in Telepsychiatry
Telepsychiatry offers a variety of benefits in today@s changing healthcare landscape, and also serves as an excellent platform to train the next generation of healthcare workforce. However, perhaps an often-overlooked benefit of telepsychiatry, is that it as a fertile bed to collect data and conduct outcomes research.
7 Tips for Using Social Media for Mental Well-being
Social wellness, a measure of connectedness with family, friends and community, is key in influencing happiness and positive mental health.(1,2) Research has shown social connection to be a protective factor against a host of mental health disorders, from depression to anxiety.(2) The quality and quantity of our social relationships can also impact our physical health.(3)