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Mental Health and Men of Color: Addressing Common Misconceptions

  • Diverse populations, Men, Patients and Families

The prevailing thinking is that men simply don’t express their emotions, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The discrepancy lies in how we define the term “express” as a man may choose to navigate frustration and anger in a quieter and more reserved manner or in a more visibly angry, explicit manner. Both are valid ways of expressing emotion. All men are different and operate along a spectrum of emotional expression.

CEO Alliance for Mental Health Launches Campaign to Drive 988 Crisis Hotline Preparedness

The CEO Alliance for Mental Health, a collaborative of 15 of the nation’s leading mental health professional organizations, advocacy groups and funders, today announced the rollout of a coordinated effort to drive awareness and support among state and municipal officials as they prepare for the nationwide transition from the current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to the new 988 Hotline for mental health emergencies and suicide prevention.

American Psychiatric Association Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Israel

The American Psychiatric Association condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Israel. Innocent civilians should never have to endure the violence and chaos that happened last weekend. APA sends our support to all those affected in Israel and around the world. We mourn those who were lost and call for the immediate return of all hostages to their families. The scale of this terrorist act and the harm it is causing is unfathomable.

New Poll: COVID-19 Impacting Mental Well-Being: Americans Feeling Anxious, Especially for Loved Ones; Older Adults are Less Anxious

Nearly half of Americans (48%) are anxious about the possibility of getting coronavirus, COVID-19, and nearly four in ten Americans (40%) are anxious about becoming seriously ill or dying from coronavirus, but far more Americans (62%) are anxious about the possibility of family and loved ones getting coronavirus. This is according to a new national poll released today by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

Maternal Mental Health: A Brief Look at the Impact of Birth Trauma

  • Diverse populations, Patients and Families, Trauma

For some women, childbirth can be a traumatic event often associated with birth complications or a near miss for maternal mortality 1. A traumatic birth involves a perceived or life-threatening series of events that result in severe injury or death of the infant or mother. This traumatic experience increases the risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth and can lead to challenges with attachment between the birthing parent and their infant

Addressing the Public Mental Health Challenge of Climate Change

  • Patients and Families, Public awareness, Trauma

For most Americans, the face of climate change is extreme weather and natural disasters. More than 40% of Americans live in a county impacted by a major natural disaster in the last year. In the last seven years, natural disasters cost the United States more than a trillion dollars in damage and more than 5,000 lives were lost.

Supporting Mental Health Amid Global Conflict and Trauma

  • APA Leadership

Anyone who follows current events will know that we are living in a time where traumatic and often violent incidents seem to be increasingly more common. Whether it is the fallout from a natural disaster, political strife, or military conflict, the mental health effects of these events can be long lasting and far reaching. One needs only to turn on the news to see a world that seems beset by sectarian violence and war. Political

Parental Leave Brings Mental Health Benefits, Especially for Mothers

  • New research, Patients and Families, Women

Along with all the excitement and anticipation, becoming a new parent comes with a great deal of change and potential stress, such as the challenges of childrearing, financial pressure and career uncertainties. This elevated stress can contribute to mental health problems, including peripartum depression. New research published in the Lancet finds that access to employer-provided parental leave may help protect mothers’ mental health in the months after childbirth.

Addressing Mental Health Disparities Facing African Americans: Free Online Educational Series from the American Psychiatric Association and the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence at Morehouse School of Medicine

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in Black youth and, in recent years, rates of suicide for African American adolescents rose faster than those of their white peers. African American communities experience unequal access to high-quality, culturally competent mental health care. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AABH CoE) are offering an on-demand online learning series for mental heal

Heading off to College: How to THRIVE (Not Just Survive) on College Campuses

The U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on the Youth Mental Health Crisis, released Dec. 7, 2021, shed light on the concerning trend of worsening mental health among children, adolescents, and young adults in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (1). Indeed, college and university students are experiencing greater frequency and intensity of mental health symptoms than ever before.

Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Summer 2023

  • Diversity News and Updates

Innovate. Collaborate. Motivate: Charting the future of mental health was our theme for the 2023 APA Annual Meeting. It also serves as the perfect template to share highlights in our newsletter this quarter.

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