990 Results
Small Study Indicates that Markers in Baby Teeth May Provide Clues to ADHD and Autism
Researchers have recently identified markers in baby teeth that are unique to attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and individuals with both conditions. The research suggests that the processing of nutrients and toxins plays a role in these conditions, according to authors Christine Austin, Ph.D., with Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, and colleagues.
Coping After Disaster
Learn more about the recommended steps to begin coping with the possible stress that follows a tragedy.
Collaborative / Integrated Care
Improving access to mental health services and the overall health of patients.
Suicide Prevention
Learn about suicide prevention, including risk factors, warning signs, and what you can do.
More Benefits of Exercise: Preventing and Treating Anxiety
There are many reasons we should all be getting out to exercise– improved sleep, increased energy, reduced risk of chronic disease and more. Preventing anxiety is one more reason to keep up your exercise routine, according to new research published in June in the journal Depression and Anxiety.
Specific Learning Disorders
Learn about Specific Learning Disorder, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to your questions.
Technology Addictions: Social Media, Online Gaming, and More
Learn about Technology Addictions: Social Media, Online Gaming, and More
One in Four Americans Plans a Mental Health New Year’s Resolution for 2022
As 2021 draws to a close, more than one in four Americans (26%) or more than 67 million adults say that next year, improving their mental health is on their minds, and just over one-third (37%) say they are anxious about their mental health to start the new year. Among those making resolutions focused on mental health, 53% will meditate, 37% plan to see a therapist, 35% will take a break from social media, 32% will journal, 26% will use a mental health app, and 20% plan to specifically see a psy
Learn more about treating women experiencing stress and trauma related to changing political and social environments.
Get Trained
APA offers free* training (with CME) in the Collaborative Care Model for psychiatrists, primary care providers and behavioral health care managers. The Collaborative Care Model is the only integrates care model with a clear evidence base.