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979 Results

How Nutrition Impacts Mental Health

  • Patients and Families

The relationship between nutrition and mental health is a hot topic, and it was the subject of a recent panel discussion at the APA’s online Annual Meeting in early May. A panel of experts reviewed research on the potential roles of nutrition in the causes of, recovery from and potential resilience against psychiatric illness.

Addressing Mental Health Disparities Facing African Americans: Free Online Educational Series from the American Psychiatric Association and the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence at Morehouse School of Medicine

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in Black youth and, in recent years, rates of suicide for African American adolescents rose faster than those of their white peers. African American communities experience unequal access to high-quality, culturally competent mental health care. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AABH CoE) are offering an on-demand online learning series for mental heal

American Psychiatric Association Statement on the School Shooting in Texas

Our hearts are broken after the brutal and tragic loss of children and teachers in Uvalde, Texas. We mourn their loss. Tragedies like this, the recent shootings in Buffalo, Houston, and too many other cities in the U.S., are traumatic for those directly impacted and can harm the mental health of others who feel its impact. The American Psychiatric Association offers resources vetted by physicians on coping with these tragedies and talking with children to help them through these events. Please b

Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Summer 2023

  • Diversity News and Updates

Innovate. Collaborate. Motivate: Charting the future of mental health was our theme for the 2023 APA Annual Meeting. It also serves as the perfect template to share highlights in our newsletter this quarter.

New APA Healthy Minds Monthly Poll Finds that Nearly 40% of Americans Face Declining Mood in Winter

With most of the country ready to “fall back” this weekend, nearly a quarter (24%) of Americans report that they generally feel depressed in the winter. Two in five (38%) say their overall mood declines in the winter. But they do look forward to certain winter traditions: 44% of Americans look forward to spending time with friends and family during the holidays and 49% say enjoying good food improves their mood.

Bias and Stigma in Health Care Systems

  • Diverse populations, Patients and Families

Stigma and bias toward mental illness can be major barrier to people accessing needed care. When that stigma and bias exists within the health care system, it can have an especially harmful impact. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has undertaken a multi-year effort to better understand equity and the systemic implicit bias against mental health and substance use, how it impacts health outcomes and quality of life, and what can be done to reshape and improve care for people with mental illn

CEO Alliance for Mental Health Launches Campaign to Drive 988 Crisis Hotline Preparedness

The CEO Alliance for Mental Health, a collaborative of 15 of the nation’s leading mental health professional organizations, advocacy groups and funders, today announced the rollout of a coordinated effort to drive awareness and support among state and municipal officials as they prepare for the nationwide transition from the current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to the new 988 Hotline for mental health emergencies and suicide prevention.

APA Praises House Passage of Mental Health Bills; Urges Senate to Follow Suit

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a package of mental health-related legislation brought forth by the Energy and Commerce Committee. The package of bills, previously passed by the House in the 116th Congress, would help prevent suicide, expand diagnosis and treatment for substance use disorders, increase mental health screenings in the emergency room and overall, and support patients with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. The American Psychiatric Association (APA

Decriminalizing Mental Illness and Promoting Mental Health Equity 

  • Diverse populations, Serious mental illness, Teens and young adults, Trauma

A poll commissioned by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) found that only 1 in 5 Americans believe that those in jails and prisons are getting the mental health care they need while 75% believe mental health support should be provided for incarcerated people. 

Parental Leave Brings Mental Health Benefits, Especially for Mothers

  • New research, Patients and Families, Women

Along with all the excitement and anticipation, becoming a new parent comes with a great deal of change and potential stress, such as the challenges of childrearing, financial pressure and career uncertainties. This elevated stress can contribute to mental health problems, including peripartum depression. New research published in the Lancet finds that access to employer-provided parental leave may help protect mothers’ mental health in the months after childbirth.

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