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Ask An App Advisor

Members of the our Expert Panel hold a monthly mini-webinar (~15 minutes) followed by a Q@A. The goal of these webinars is to explain how our App Evaluation Model can work in real time, and to address questions from both the provider and patient perspectives about the Model


Learn more about the APA Assembly, District Branches and State Associations, and Minority and Underrepresented (M/UR) Caucuses.

As Americans Turn Increasingly to Internet Betting, APA Releases New Edition of Gambling Disorder Guide

More Americans than ever are placing bets on sports online, according to many recent reports. The vast majority of people who gamble are able to do so without any long-lasting problems, but research has shown that up to 1 percent of the population currently has a gambling disorder. Gambling disorder involves repeated, problem gambling. Despite significant personal and familial problems caused by the individual’s behavior, those with gambling disorder struggle to control their gambling.

2024 Virtual Annual Meeting Experience

Register today for the 2023 Annual Meeting virtual experience and access 100+ select sessions live-streamed from San Francisco in the comfort of your home or office, May 20-24!

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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