992 Results
Appalachian People
Appalachian people experience disproportionately adverse living conditions, when compared to the nation. Appalachian counties are over-represented in the nation's worst quintile for four of the five measures of social determinants of health.
Medicare Part D
This federal outpatient prescription drug benefit, which began in 2006, applies to all Medicare beneficiaries, including those who are dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
How to Submit a Member Obituary
APA accepts the submission of member obituaries from contributors. If you are a colleague, friend or family member and would like to submit an obituary to appear on this site, learn more here.
General Member Advancement Form
APA requires that members verify they meet the General Membership requirements by completing the General Member Advancement Form.
APA Volunteer Leadership Testimonials
APA leadership opportunities open the door to share your experience, while taking an active role in the direction of the Association. Listen to current Board of Trustees share their stories about volunteering for APA.