982 Results
Men, Women, and Differing Responses to Stress
Stress affects people in several ways—it activates adrenaline and other hormones, the nervous system and immune system. While not all stress is harmful, and some can even be beneficial, chronic or toxic stress can contribute to health problems. “Men and women react differently to toxic stress because their brains are wired differently,” notes Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., of The Rockefeller University, * “and therefore they may be at risk for different stress-related illnesses.” For example, as a result
Building Knowledge and Understanding to Help Prevent Suicide
Each year more than 45,000 lives are lost to suicide in the U.S. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for adults 35 to 54 years old and the second leading cause of death for youth and young adults aged 10 to 34 years. (1) But there is hope. New research is helping us understand who is at greatest risk—and this understanding will help psychiatrists and the mental health field at large save lives.
Digital Mental Health: What Do Clinicians Need to Know?
As we approach the end of 2022, many of us are thinking about what changes we want to make in the coming year. You may be looking to technology to enable those positive changes through guided meditation apps, digital activity tracking, or positive habit-forming through digital nudges.
Media Advisory: With Fewer Daylight Hours, Time Change and Colder Weather Coming, New APA Polling; Experts Available on Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression also known as SAD, seasonal depression or winter depression. The symptoms usually occur during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight and usually improve with the arrival of spring.
Research & Registry
Research plays a vital role in the understanding the causes of mental illnesses, the development of treatments and preventive strategies, and the promotion mental health.
Grieving During a Pandemic
Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 130,000 Americans and it continues devastating communities across the nation. It has also drastically changed the way families and friends can grieve their losses—those lost to COVID-19 and deaths from other causes that are also continuing during the pandemic.
August Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Use of Neuroimaging; Addressing Service Inequities in Underserved Groups
The August issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services, are available online. The American Journal of Psychiatry is the most widely read psychiatric journal in the world. The August issue offers a collection of articles on the use of neuroimaging and machine learning, highlighting both the potential to advance understanding and practice in psychiatry and limitations. Among the research featured in the August issue
The Unequal Impact of the Opioid Epidemic in the African American Community: Insights for Psychiatrists
This panel will unpack the complexities of the unequal impact of opioids in the African American community and evaluate the role of implicit bias.
Join Us at the 2024 Annual Meeting to Learn About Technology in Psychiatry
At the 2024 APA Annual Meeting in New York, NY, there will be 35 sessions on technology and mental health.
Getting Better with Age: Most Older Adults Feel Positive About Their Mental Health
According to new research published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, most older adults are feeling good about their mental health. The research is based on nationally representative survey of more than 2,000 adults aged 50-80, which found that 80% said their mental health was as good or better than it was 20 years ago.
Systems of Care
Learn about systems of care incorporating child and adolescent telepsychiatry in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Coping with Sleep Problems in Stressful Times
The stress, isolation, changes, loss and other impacts of the pandemic have disrupted our lives in many ways, and for many people, it’s led to more problems sleeping. However, some people have experienced positive changes and researchers have identified some effective ways of coping with sleep challenges during the pandemic.