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Be Well at Work: Helping Employees with Depression

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study highlights the Tufts Be Well at Work program, that helps employees with depression. Published in Psychiatric Services, a journal of the American Psychiatric Association, the study presents the results from 15 years of research evaluating the occupational, clinical, and economic impact of Be Well at Work.

The Economic Cost of Depression is Increasing; Direct Costs are Only a Small Part

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and can cause tremendous challenge and burden for individuals and families. It also carries a large economic cost. The economic burden of major depressive disorder among U.S. adults was an estimated $236 billion in 2018, an increase of more than 35% since 2010 (year 2020 values), according to research published in early May in the journal Pharmacoeconomics.

Mental Health Equity Looking Beyond Series

Continuation of the APA Fireside Chats discussions where strategies and opportunities to improve the mental health of historically marginalized and minoritized communities were examined. The APA Looking Beyond Series will bring an interdisciplinary lens to the discussion, leveraging innovative frameworks to address mental health inequities.

Sunshine Act

Learn more about Physician Payment Sunshine Act at

About TCPI

Learn about TCPI, APA@s role, how to connect with a Practice Transformation Network and more.


he following recommendations highlight areas in need of additional research and development for the Collaborative Care Model.

Addiction Psychiatry

Get the latest addiction psychiatry resources and webinars (with CME) for PCSS-MAT and PCSS-O.

Tobacco and Nicotine

Learn about various aspects of treating tobacco use disorders, including clinical, training, and policy considerations. As new topics emerge, more resources and information will be added to this page. The resources covers topics from the APA Work Group on Tobacco Use Disorders with the Council on Addiction Psychiatry, training, practice/clinical, reimbursement and legal issues from leading psychiatrists.

Geriatric Psychiatry

View related publications and education and training resources for psychaitrists, residents and medical students.

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