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979 Results

Personal Perspectives on Care and Recovery

Ken Duckworth, M.D., chief medical officer, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) leads a deep and personal discussion with individuals who have years of lived experience with serious mental illness (SMI).

APA Praises Inclusion of Mental Health Funding and Provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The American Psychiatric Association applauded the inclusion of several provisions important to mental health in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319), that passed the U.S. House of Representatives today. The final package, which the president is expected to sign soon, includes around $4 billion in funding for programs that support prevention of and treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.

Nation’s Top Child-Focused Organizations Strongly Urge California Federal Court to Oppose Trump Administration’s Move to End Flores Settlement

On behalf of a coalition of the nation’s leading organizations dedicated to protecting the health and welfare of children, Arent Fox LLP filed an amicus brief in the US District Court for the Central District of California in support of the Plaintiff in Jenny Lisette Flores, et al., v. William Barr, Attorney General of the United States, et al. More than 20 organizations adamantly oppose the Trump Administration’s new regulations that overturn protections guaranteed to immigrant children under t

One in Four Americans Plans a Mental Health New Year’s Resolution for 2022

As 2021 draws to a close, more than one in four Americans (26%) or more than 67 million adults say that next year, improving their mental health is on their minds, and just over one-third (37%) say they are anxious about their mental health to start the new year. Among those making resolutions focused on mental health, 53% will meditate, 37% plan to see a therapist, 35% will take a break from social media, 32% will journal, 26% will use a mental health app, and 20% plan to specifically see a psy

Stress And Trauma

Learn more about treating historically marginalized populations experiencing stress and trauma related to changing political and social environments.

Americans Embrace the Shift to Telehealth

  • Patients and Families

About one in three U.S. adults (31%) have used telehealth services, according to a new poll* from the American Psychiatric Association. Almost three-quarters (72%) of those who have used telehealth services have done so for the first time in the past six months.

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