992 Results
Know Your Options Participating or Non-Participating Medicare Provider
For over ten years, every year has begun with the possibility that Medicare fees will be cut significantly to satisfy a Medicare physician payment formula, the sustainable growth rate (SGR).
Opting Out of Medicare
Information and resources for APA members on opting out of medicare enrollment.
Recursos compartibles
Descargue guías informativas en PDF sobre temas como violencia doméstica, depresión, trastornos por consumo de sustancias, estigma y suicidio.
Supporting Evidence Base
Learn about the evidence base for child and adolescent telepsychiatry in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, also known as psychosomatic medicine, is an exciting subspecialty of psychiatry that focuses on the care of medically ill patients.
Research Colloquium for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators
Learn more about the Research Colloquium for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators - a program that provides guidance, mentorship, and encouragement to young investigators in the early phases of their training.
Model CoCM Legislation
APA has created legislation that would increase access to mental healthcare by having private insurers reimburse Collaborative Care billing codes.
Mental Health Parity
Learn about APA@s advocacy efforts to promote proper implementation and enforcement of mental health parity.
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to common questions.