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998 Results

Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award honors individuals and/or organizations who have contributed exceptional meritorious service to the field of psychiatry and/or APA.

Roeske Teaching Award

The Nancy C.A. Roeske, M.D., Certificate is awarded to individuals who have made outstanding and sustaining contributions to medical student education.

Future of Psychiatry Work Group Recommendations

At the March 2023 meeting of the American Psychiatric Association Board of Trustees, the Future of Psychiatry Workgroup Recommendations were approved for implementation by the APA Administration.

How HIPAA Applies to Practice

Anywhere in which health care information is leaving the four walls of your practice electronically should be housed in a HIPAA-compliant platform. You should audit and assess your practice for HIPAA adherence throughout the process of engaging with a patient.

Chester M. Pierce Human Rights Award

The Chester M. Pierce Human Rights Award recognizes extraordinary efforts by individuals and organizations focused on promoting and supporting the human rights of populations with mental health needs, while maintaining the ethical standards of the APA.

What are Eating Disorders?

Learn about eating disorders, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to common questions.

Program Highlights

Find examples of the model being implemented across different service and payer types.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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