979 Results
APA Announces New Events for Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
APA celebrates each July with a series of community-wide events focused on mental health equity for young people of color. Check out what's in store for this year!
APA Insider Sessions
This new forum aims to foster transparency and clarity for members about APA’s organizational direction as we respond to the rapid changes in practice and society impacting our patients and profession.
Alcohol Use Disorder: Social Media, Technology, and Treatment
While most can enjoy alcohol occasionally without problems, alcohol use disorder is common and often untreated. An estimated 11% of all adults and 15% of young adults (aged 18-25) had alcohol use disorder in the past year. Several recent studies highlight some challenges related to alcohol content on social media along with some promising approaches to treatment.
APA Statement on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today pauses to remember the life of Former First Lady Roslynn Carter. Few, if any, other Americans have been able to accomplish what she did for the cause of mental health. Mrs. Carter worked relentlessly to help the millions of people in this country who have mental illness or substance use disorders. She used her bully pulpit to bring the conversation about mental health out from the darkness and to advocate for a more comprehensive system of care.
Thousands of Mental Health Apps Available: Supporting Evidence Not So Plentiful
There are more than 10,000 mental or behavioral health apps publicly available; however, there is little available information on the quality and effectiveness of the apps, “leaving consumers with very little to go on when trying to determine which apps might be helpful and worthwhile.” Several recent studies highlight the need for better information on the effectiveness and quality of mental health apps.
Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health
Learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health.
Hoarding Disorder
Learn about hoarding disorder, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to common questions.
Media Advisory: The American Psychiatric Association to Host Inaugural MOORE Equity in Mental Health 5K
Learn more about Media Advisory: The American Psychiatric Association to Host Inaugural MOORE Equity in Mental Health 5K at psychiatry.org
Is Social Jet Lag Dragging You Down?
Social jet lag refers to the mismatch between a person’s internal clock and their daily schedules. For most people that means the difference in sleep schedules between weekdays (school or workdays) and weekends (non-workdays).
Public Health
APA works to inform policymaking to curb preventable hospitalizations, incarcerations, and suicides. Federal policymaking in many different areas can have a powerful impact on public health and the lives of those with mental illness and substance use disorders.
Save the Date: APA’s 2025 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles
Save the date for the psychiatry event of the year – APA’s 2025 Annual Meeting is set to take place in Los Angeles, California, from May 17 – May 21, 2025.
Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Care for Spanish-Speakers
An estimated 14% of the U.S. population speaks Spanish at home, and 16 million Spanish speakers have limited English proficiency(1). In addition to the potential barrier of lack of language services, recent research has identified other factors contributing to inequities in access and outcomes for Spanish-speaking patients, including perceived discrimination, and mistrust and privacy concerns.(2)