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996 Results

Hispanics and Latinos/as

While many Hispanics/Latinos have lived in the U.S. for many generations, others are recent immigrants who are at risk of facing inequities in socioeconomic status, education, and access to mental health care services.

Social Media

Learn about the unique value you can bring to social media as a psychiatrist.

Advanced Alternative Payment Models

Psychiatrists, other physicians, and non-physician practitioners may qualify for Medicare payment incentives for participating in new models of care and delivery that improve quality, lower health care spending, or both.

Get Trained

APA offers free* training (with CME) in the Collaborative Care Model for psychiatrists, primary care providers and behavioral health care managers. The Collaborative Care Model is the only integrates care model with a clear evidence base.

SET for Success

Supplemental Education and Training (SET) is an online experience designed to help residents build knowledge and learn the business of medicine.

Helping Patients Access Care

Use these resources to understand APA’s position on access to care, and to help your patients access appropriate care.

Physician Reimbursement & Quality Improvement

APA strongly supports federal efforts to provide appropriate compensation for psychiatrists, which ensures their ability to provide high-quality care and specialized services for their communities and patients.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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