979 Results
More Americans Making New Year’s Mental Health Resolutions Leading Into 2025
Leading into 2025, 33% of Americans are making a mental health new year’s resolution, which is a 5% increase from last year and is the highest result the American Psychiatric Association has seen since it began polling on the question in 2021. Younger people in general were more likely to report making a mental health resolution, with 48% of 18-34-year-olds saying so, versus 13% of those 65 or older.
Light, Sleep and Mental Health
Light, both natural and artificial, can affect our health and mental health in several different ways. Depending on the time of day, light exposure can promote or disrupt sleep. A persistently disrupted sleep cycle can contribute to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, obesity and mental health disorders. Research is also beginning to clarify non-circadian effects of light – light can have a direct impact on the sleep and mood centers in the brain.
New Study: Expatriates Experience Anxiety, Helplessness, When Traumatic Events Occur in Their Home Country
A new study presented today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting found that traumatic incidents in their home countries can harm the mental health of expatriates months after the traumatic incident, regardless of how long they have been away from their country, and even if they did not witness the traumatic incident firsthand. The mental health impact was larger among female and younger expatriates.
Culture Corner: The Impact of Film and Poetry on Mental Health with Fiona Fonseca, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Fiona Fonseca is a consultation-liaison psychiatry fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Their current fellowship focuses on transgender medicine and reproductive psychiatry. They have a special interest in cultural psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical ethics, physician well-being, and advocacy.
Working Towards Health Equity: Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
In 2005, Bebe Moore Campbell and longtime friend Linda Wharton Boyd, Ph.D., suggested dedicating a month that would educate and address mental health stigma and improve mental health services for people of color. Due to their hard work and dedication and with the help of Representatives Albert Wynn and Diane Watson, a resolution was adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives in May 2008 to establish July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (after Campbell pas
Infertility: The Impact of Stress and Mental Health
Infertility, though often not talked about, is common. An estimated one in eight couples (or 12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. There are a range of complex connections between mental health and infertility.
Extreme Heat Contributes to Worsening Mental Health, Especially Among Vulnerable Populations
The extreme heat that much of thethe country is experiencing has significant impacts on mental health alongside serious physical health impacts. Some groups, including people with pre-existing mental health conditions, are especially vulnerable.
New Reports Examine Trends in Youth Mental Health
Several recent national and international reports offer some insights into youth mental health with some encouraging signs along with some concerning trends.
Elevating Bebe Moore Campbell's Legacy in 2023: APA's Dynamic Approach to National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month: Part 2
In response to the U.S. Surgeon General's advisory on the youth mental health crisis in the U.S., APA held the inaugural APA Moore Equity in Mental Health Youth Summit on July 12. Through this one-day summit, APA collaborated with the Marion Barry Youth Leadership Institute to design a youth-centered mental health event focused on cultivating mental wellness among 150 young people of color in Washington, D.C. This summit aimed to increase mental health awareness, empower youth to advocate for th
Confronting the Challenge of Mental Health Stigma: A New Report and a New National Initiative
In a report issued Oct. 9, The Lancet Commission on Ending Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health issues a call to action to “act now to stop stigma and to start inclusion.” The report summarizes extensive research around the world, highlights the results of an international survey, and provides recommendations for actions by a range of stakeholders.
January Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover New Research on Cannabis and Alcohol Use, Disparities in Coercive Treatment for Psychosis, and More
The January issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. Also available is the latest issue of The American Journal of Psychotherapy.
Climate Cafés: A Resource to Help with Climate Distress
The multiple impacts of climate change are increasingly part of everyday discourse. These impacts weigh on the minds of many, and elicit several emotions, such as distress, worry, anxiety, sadness, and others as described in the Climate Mental Health Network’s Climate Emotions Wheel. In 2023, 64% of adults in the United States reported being worried about climate change, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication’s Climate Opinions Map. Meanwhile, other research suggests that