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The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System

Learn about the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Improvement Activities Performance Category, which rewards your efforts to improve clinical practice.

Psychiatric Bed Crisis Report

The Psychiatric Bed Crisis Report assesses the problem and proposes a new model for estimating the needs within a community. It provides a critical component to inform the decisions of community leaders and policymakers in services capacity development.


NOCD Evaluation

Transitioning to Residency During COVID-19

There have been significant changes to medical student education due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including transition to remote learning and cancelation of clerkships and electives. View APA@s guide to navigating this your transition to residency during this time.

Trastorno por consumo de alcohol

El trastorno por consumo de alcohol (AUD por sus siglas en inglés) se produce cuando el consumo frecuente o excesivo de alcohol se vuelve difícil de controlar y provoca problemas en las relaciones, el trabajo, la escuela, la familia u otras áreas. AUD es común y, con frecuencia, no se trata. Existen tratamientos que funcionan, como medicamentos, terapias, y grupos de apoyo o autoayuda.

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