988 Results
Telepsychiatry Malpractice Issues
Learn about malpractice issues related to telepsychiatry in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
About TCPI
Learn about TCPI, APA@s role, how to connect with a Practice Transformation Network and more.
Certification and Licensure
View resources to help members understand and meet MOC and MOL requirements.
Committee on Advocacy and Litigation Funding
The Committee on Advocacy and Litigation Funding has the responsibility of reviewing requests, usually from District Branches and State Associations, for financial support of projects involving legislation, litigation, and advocacy; of making recommendations regarding funding to the Board of Trustees; and of proposing coordinated activity by other APA components, District Branches, and State Associations.
Navigating the Transition to Practice: Licensure, Credentials, and Continuing Certification
Join us from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to learn about the many requirements of medical practice.
LGBTQ IPV survivors face increased barriers to obtaining consistent access to the culturally competent services. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is one of the most common form of violence against women. This guide intends to help mental health providers in treating IPV survivors. It includes definitions associated with IPV, data on the prevalence of IPV, and the impact of IPV on survivors and their families.
American Psychiatric Association Receives $100,000 Grant from the Council of Medical Specialty Societies to Improve Diagnosis of Eating Disorders
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) was recently awarded a $100,000 grant from the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS) to promote the early and proper diagnosis of eating disorders.
Honoring Women’s Contributions to Psychiatry Research
All across the field of psychiatry, women make an impact every day in furthering our understanding of the brain and how to treat mental health and substance use disorders. In recognition of Women’s History Month, APA is highlighting six women whose research contributions have meant better outcomes for people with mental illness.
Podcast: The COVID-19 Crisis and Behavioral Health
The public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on virtually all facets of our daily lives, especially health care. While the ultimate effects of COVID-19 on both individuals and populations are unclear, we know we will have to navigate the impact of the pandemic on the behavioral health system. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to surge as communities continue to struggle with COVID-19 cases—along with the fear, isolation, ch
African Americans
Rates of mental illnesses in African Americans are similar with those of the general population. However, disparities exist in regard to mental health care services. The resources below assist mental health providers serving African Americans as well as individuals interested the community.
Committee on Telepsychiatry
Learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Committee on Telepsychiatry.
William Sorum Assembly Resident-Fellow Member Awards
The William Sorum Assembly Resident-Fellow Member Award honors a Resident-Fellow Member or a district branch in each Area for notable progress in RFM involvement in APA.